Some companies try to promote, despite a ban and the threat of fines over the phone for your products and services. The patient should contact the Federal network Agency.

Bonn (dpa/tmn) – Who is on the phone harassing you with advertising, Betlike you can complain to the Federal network Agency. Because telemarketing calls are illegal, when you call a company that has not explicitly allowed – and even before the phone call.

the attempt to obtain the consent at the outset of a conversation is inadmissible. Most recently, the Federal network Agency had imposed the maximum possible fine of 300,000 euros against a company that has the phone advertised without the consent of the Called party for a change electricity or gas supplier. More than 6000 consumers had complained to the Federal network Agency.

For a complaint, the Federal network Agency requires precise information. People should remember what is being advertised in the call, and, above all, the phone number of the caller record. Also the way the conversation is relevant, because it can have an impact on the amount of a fine. Complaints via E-Mail, Online form or by post using a form expression is possible.

file a complaint with the Federal network Agency.
