a Tesla to the gas station. What sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, is the attempt of a young woman to her car or to refuel, or is it all just Fake?

Tesla builds electric cars. The most should know, especially if you drive a Tesla. A young woman, and is apparently not aware of it and continued with the electric car and made a Beeline to a gas station. What happened then, looks like an absurd joke.

wife wants item Tesla Model S with gasoline

Because the woman looked desperately to the tank lid of your Tesla Model S , to refuel the car with petrol. After you did that, found similar to the fuel cap, tried the tap in the socket on the E-plug in cars – also unsuccessfully. Desperately, she pressed the buttons in the car, and opens accidentally the trunk.

After two long minutes, the two men decided in the rear of the car, which had filmed the whole Situation, to help the woman. As one of them explained that it is an electric car, had to laugh, the young woman about their futile search . If the whole Betist scene was real or the have three the Video to get some laughs, is not known.

Also interesting:

also read: police chases Tesla about eleven kilometres – as the officials stop him, you are shocked.


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