For Andreas Schmöller could be the damage is barely larger: One of his two so-called return trains is burned out of Christmas completely. The cause is a mystery.

Bachem – Andreas Schmöller is a service provider in the forest. The steinbacher two wood harvester, the so-called Harvester, and two return trains, all-terrain skidders. Currently, he was with a forwarder in it’s forest in Bachern. The wood is there and should be removed after the holidays. Some of the delivery dates will not be able to comply with the entrepreneurs, but, because the timber harvesting machine, he left a week ago on the edge of a forest in Bachern is burned out in the night on the second day of Christmas and unusable. Mariobet

harvest machine in fire in of the Inning: no one noticed Smoke

A passerby had noticed the fire scene on Wednesday morning. As the Volunteer fire brigade arrived book, burned a tire. “The metal was already cold and the trees hardly affected,” says book commander Jürgen Aster. Not even from the nearby stables fire or Smoke was noted. “Presumably, the fire smoldered to himself,” says Aster. Also, he can make no sense of it, when and how the fire broke out. The machine for days unused at the edge of the forest. There she was parked a week ago, and the current is turned off, assures Schmöller. Since neither fire nor Smoke were noticed, he assumes that the fire broke out due to the damage in the night. To determine the events leading up to the fire investigators were pulled from homicide, and criminal investigation. Arson is not excluded. Schmöller is a bit clueless. To find So quickly a replacement was not easy. Not to mention a new acquisition, the cost of around 300 000 Euro.

fire breaks out: “this Would have happened in the summer, would have been a whole forest in flames”

The insurance will pay only for the time value. “This is always such a thing”, white Schmöller. Currently, the entrepreneur is helped in order. “I have dates of delivery, and the burnt-out machine must be recovered.” The is not without, know Alexander Dietz, Forester in it’s forest. “The machine is no longer ready to drive. The weighs several tons.“

The incident would have been far worse. “This would have happened in the summer, would have been a whole forest in flames,” commander Aster, for sure, even in the middle of the water protection area. Shortly after the end of the deletion, an employee of the water management had been working office. “We had God be delete thanks a lot and knew that it is a protected area.” The forest was not damaged, the floor will be replaced. For Schmöller a weak consolation. He hopes to see clues. This takes the police under z (0 81 41) 61 20.

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