It is a serious fraud, the “mirror” itself has revealed. And one that always attracts more and more circles. Now has expressed the Reporter.

Update from 27. December 2018, 18.30 hrs:

In the forgery scandal a former mirror Reporter has denied the Journalist to have him collected donations for personal use. The Syrian children, the reader donated, did not exist. For the communication to the donation, the author was “the Illusion of the real existence of the described Geschwisterpaars upright,” said the journalists Claas Relotius the end of the law firm representing Unverzagt von Have in Hamburg on Thursday. Relotius had offered, therefore, after various letters ready readers donations, to raise funds on his private account, and forward.

“at no time did he intend, however, to donate themselves to the club. Such use is also made never,“ said the law firm. In fact, her client was raised up on account of his donations to date amount to a total of 7000 Euro from its own funds to 9000 euros and in October 2016, the Diakonie katastrophenhilfe for a project to support war-volatile children in Iraq transferred.

Update vom 23. December 2018, 14: 40:

The scandal of fraud and forgery by a former “mirror”reporter draws more circles. The US Ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell, called for an independent investigation and accused the news magazine in a letter to the anti-American reporting. The editor-in-chief, dismissed the allegation at the weekend. Meanwhile, the “mirror” reported, that you are then free employees of 2016 is not just a story about alleged Syrian orphans in Turkey, in large Parts invented, but also private calls donations have readers sent to help allegedly to the children.

What then happens with the money that was paid into the private account of the journalists was unclear. The “mirror” announced that “all the information collected, the Prosecutor’s office in the framework of a criminal offence”. The Reporter, standing in the centre of the affair, did not respond on weekends, upon requests of the German press Agency.

Update vom 22. December 2018, 13.47 PM:

The fraud case, the news magazine “der Spiegel” damaged according to the “time”editor-in-chief Giovanni di Lorenzo, the Genre of the Reportage as a Whole. This was particularly the case for “the character of the war reporter that is normally in areas where the Rulers have a special interest in ensuring that no information leaks,” said di Lorenzo in a “mirror”-Interview. “These reporters are under General suspicion, because it is hardly possible that their research fully to understand.” That now is the truthfulness of Reports will doubted, for the people in your life use that is the real damage.

The “mirror” has printed the Interview with di Lorenzo in his new edition, which is available since Saturday on the market and the fraud case, in-house, to the title story. According to the Hamburg-based news magazine, an editor has forged “a large volume of his own stories and protagonists invented – he has deceived the reader and his colleagues”.

Di Lorenzo said, it must also be asked, whether it is to come in the Genre of Reportage of a Deformation to be that all the houses concerned. “Some of the Work submitted for the Nannen prize, I wonder: Is this still journalism, or a novel?” Di Lorenzo sits in the Jury of the Nannen prize, which is one of the most important awards in the German-speaking journalism. “Mediocre and boring stories are, and remain, a disgrace! On the other hand, there is one or the other report, in which it is now so as in the case of the Overbreeding of dogs or horses – too beautiful to work is still authentic,“ said di Lorenzo.

About the “mirror”editor, to have faked a large-style texts, said di Lorenzo, according to his recollections, at least two stories of the journalists had been in the past few years in the discussion for the best Reportage of the year. “But in the Jury there were doubts about the stories.” Although she fakes thought. “But these stories were of a smoothness, perfection, and obsession for Detail, that it could not some of us believe in.”

Update vom 21. December 2018, 20.55 PM:

The U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, has been shown due to the fraud if the “mirror” concerned, and an independent investigation is required. The revelations of “the Embassy of the United States of America is of great concern,” said the representative of the US President, Donald Trump, in Germany, in a Friday evening statement published. This is especially the case, because it was gone in some of these fake reports to US policy, and certain parts of the American population.

“U.S. Ambassador Richard Grenell has set out these concerns today in a letter to the “mirror”editor-in-chief and an independent and transparent investigation of the matter requested”, – stated in the message of the Embassy. A spokesman confirmed the authenticity of the statement.

Grenell is a Familiar Trumps and is regarded as the most important Ambassador of the President in Europe. Trump under the media again and again, the proliferation of “Fake News”. He himself is not accused by critics but also to take it so exactly with the truth: According to statistics from the “Washington Post” he set up in the first 649 days of his term of office 6420 false or misleading statements, with an average of nearly ten per day.

mirror, covers the case of fraud, in a private house – Fake stories of an editor

Berlin – An editor had forged in “to a large extent his own stories and protagonists are invented,” it says in a Spiegel Online on Wednesday published a report. Revealed the case had been, according to internal reports and own research. The editor has admitted the accusations, according to the “mirror”. He had cleaned Pasgol out his office on Sunday and his contract on Monday terminated.

The Journalist wrote as a freelancer for the “mirror”, since one and a half years, he served as an editor on a permanent basis. By him to the “mirror” that, since 2011, almost 60 texts in the magazine, and Spiegel Online.

First suspicion had according to the “mirror” according to a November 2018 published Text. The Journalist acknowledged in a number of cases, to have stories or facts distorted, invented. According to at least 14 stories are affected, and at least in part falsified.

A reporter colleague who was researching a story along with the editor, had become suspicious and had expressed concerns, writes the “mirror”. To him, it had managed to collect Material against the colleagues.

Many passages in the Text

After the initial Denial, Spiegel Online, have given to the Journalist that he had invented many of the passages not only in the Text, but also in others. invented Also, he met the protagonists, for which he had quoted in his stories.

Prior to his time at the “mirror” had worked with the Journalist for several media and also some of the awards received.

the management of The “mirror” to use a Commission from internal and external experts. You should follow the Instructions on the fakes. The results should be publicly documented, “the processes of educating and in order to avoid repetitive cases”, as it says in mirror-Online. “Exclude them, even with the best will.”


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