The dispute over the birthplace of Adolf Hitler, it must be decided in court. It’s about what needs to pay the state of Austria for expropriation.

Braunau am Inn – It’s very much money In litigation to have the birth house of Adolf Hitler in the Austrian Braunau am Inn, the lawyer of the former owner of the house is aiming for a multi-million dollar compensation for the expropriation. “The goal of 1.5 million Euro are clear,” reiterated the Salzburg lawyer Gerhard Lebitsch. An appraiser had determined at the trial before the regional court of Ried im Innkreis for the property, a range of 810,000 euros to 1.5 million euros.

A judgment is made according to a court spokesman, “probably in January”. The future dictator Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) spent his first months of life in an apartment of the house.

Hitler house in Braunau: Substantive and historically significant?

The Republic of Austria had paid to the owner of the house so far, 310.000 euros for the two-storey house with a garage and Parking. It was much too little, – says the lawyer. “The car Park is the only significant large urban Park area,” said Lebitsch the German press Agency. In addition, the compensation does not take account of the special value, resulting from the level of previous rental payments and the character as a historic site.

the birth house of Adolf Hitler was not to be a place of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis

A legal clarification, according to recent information from the Ministry of interior is a prerequisite to the initiation of an international architectural competition. This is in response to the recommendation of a Commission of historians, a “profound transformation” of the building, to definitively exclude the possibility that the “Hitler-house” could develop a place of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis.

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Also interesting: Hitler’s Grand-nephew talks about Merkel, Trump, and a guarded family secret
