mount Etna on Sicily is the most active volcano in Europe, and broke out again on Monday. The extent of the destruction is enormous, as well as a Video shows.

Etna eruption in Sicily/Italy: since the 23. December of volcanic activity, which led to several small eruptions and earthquakes. The 3300-metre-high mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. The earth is in motion: In Sicily, the African dips below the European continental plate, which also leads to tremors. A Video frightened (27. December), The Italian government declared a state of emergency for the affected regions

>>> Update<<<

21.35 PM: After the mount Etna volcano-induced earthquake in Sicily, the Italian government has declared a state of emergency for the affected places in Sicily. The Cabinet free made at its meeting on Friday evening emergency aid in the amount of 10 million euros. In order for the government to show in a concrete way, that she was Concerned close, said the head of government, Giuseppe Conte on Twitter.

13.12 at: The earthquakes around the volcano Etna on Sicily weakened. “But we can’t be satisfied,” as long as tremors are registered, said the geologist, Marco Neri, from the Italian Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology on Friday, the German press Agency. Since the quake, about two kilometres deep, to interpret the volcano-according to experts, that the of the Magma outgoing voltage in the ground not yet mined.

Update 28. December, 6.14 p.m.: After the earthquakes around the volcano Etna on Sicily, the Italian government will declare a state of emergency for the affected areas. This would allow the authorities to circumvent certain rules and to provide faster assistance, informed the Vice-Prime Minister and head of the Five-star movement, Luigi Di Maio,. On Wednesday morning, a quake of magnitude 4.8 shook the Region around Catania on the South-Eastern foot of mount Etna. As a result, more than 400 people, according to the authorities were made homeless temporarily. In addition, there were 28 injuries, but no life-threatening cases.

“We have seen the death of” Sicily is shocked startled by the quake to the volcano Etna-eruption

16.10: A series of quakes has residents around the volcano mount Etna in Sicily on Wednesday night. The most violent earthquake of the strength of 4.8 provided after the first media reports of damage to buildings in Catania. At least four people were injured by falling debris. Most Zafferano was affected. “After the shocks of the last few days we have slept with his clothes on,” said an eye-witness of the Italian newspaper “La Stampa”. “We have seen the death,” is quoted another resident of the city.

The newspaper has published on its Online page, a frightening Video, the full extent of the destruction is visible.

+ of The volcano mount Etna erupted on Christmas eve again. Since then, many earthquakes shake the Region. ©dpa / Salvatore Allegra

Update from 27. December 2018, 13.35 PM: of The volcano Etna earthquakes have made more than 400 people, according to the authorities, temporarily homeless. They had to come in the previous night in emergency shelters because they could not remain because of the earthquake in their homes, informed the head of the Italian civil protection authority, Angelo Borrelli, on Thursday, the state radio station RAI. In addition, there were 28 injuries, but no life-threatening cases.

of His authority, had been reported to 1600 homes with damages that are a result of the quake, said Borrelli. On Wednesday morning, a quake of magnitude 4.8 shook the Region around Catania on the South-Eastern foot of mount Etna, Sicily. In the town of Zafferana Etnea, several houses were damaged, including a Church from the 17th century. Century.

+ of The volcano mount Etna erupted on Christmas eve again. Since then, many earthquakes shake the Region. ©dpa / Salvatore Allegra

earthquakes shake the Region of Sicily, after Etna eruption

Update from 26. December 2018: Sicily did not come to that since the eruption of the volcano Etna on Christmas eve to rest. Numerous earthquakes shook the Italian island in the Mediterranean sea on Christmas, the most violent was a quake of magnitude 4.8 in the night to Wednesday. Around a dozen wounded were taken to hospitals. Numerous buildings were severely damaged.

After the eruption of mount Etna, on Monday evening, there were hundreds of minor tremors. The Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), alone, there were 60 quake with a magnitude of more than 2.5. The earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.8, the Sicily on Wednesday at 03.18 PM shook, was since then the most violent tremor. It followed over a period of several hours, numerous lighter aftershocks.

According to information from the civil protection, two people had to be rescued from a building collapse. A total Youwin of around a dozen people were injured by falling parts of the building, and ambulances in hospitals. 18 other people would betake himself due to slight injury, or panic in hospitals. Reports of life-threatening injuries. A older woman but I have suffered several bone fractures, reported the news Agency Agi.

Italy/Sicily: mount Etna erupted – so far, 130 earthquake

Catania, A dark cloud of ash came from the volcano. At the airport of Catania, it came on Monday to several disabilities, said the airport is on Twitter.

Due to the activity of the volcano it had come since Monday morning to a swarm of quakes, said the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV). In three hours, 130 shocks had been registered. Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. It always comes back to smaller and larger eruptions.

mount Etna is about 3330 meters high. Came to a major outbreak it last in 1992.


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