the choice of The car color is not a simple matter. The German Association of the automotive industry, has now announced, what colors were the Germans this year in the Trend. The result is as colorless as the winter weather.

Berlin (dpa) – The majority of new cars in Germany are grey, black or white. About 75 percent of all new cars had been delivered this year in these colors, informed the German Association of the automotive industry (VDA) in Berlin. The Association assessed registration figures up to and including November.

On the roads there are, therefore, significantly more white cars than in the past. About every fifth new car (20.9 percent) have a white livery, the Association said, citing data of the force travel Federal office. In 2003, it had been only 2.4 percent.

most new cars are grey/silver (29.5 percent) or black (24.7 percent). Trust colorful paints buyers, therefore, rather rare. The choice is governed not only according to their own preferences, but also according to how well you can sell the car later, said the industry Association.

new cars today are less red or blue than it was even 20 years ago. At the time, for example, nearly 14 percent of new cars had been red, but today there were about 7 per cent of the new Car. “In Yellow, Orange and Green, each only about 1 percent of the new car was painted,” said the industry Association.

message of the VDA automotive colors of the 2018

Previous statistics Betgram of the KBA

time-series of the KBA to car colors to 2017