A transport helicopter of the Bundeswehr is Haßfurt at the airfield-Schweinfurt, Germany, with a Tower to collide. A man was tragically killed.

Update from 28. December:

After the fatal helicopter accident Haßfurt at the airfield-Schweinfurt in April, the Prosecutor’s office of Bamberg, determined against two army soldiers. The suspicion is on negligent homicide, a spokesman for the authority said on Friday.

Against two members is determined – against what exactly, did not want to tell the spokesman of the Prosecutor’s office. The authority are now two opinions about how it came to the time of the accident. This would be tested in the next few weeks, to decide whether and to whom a criminal accusation could be made, said the spokesman. The question is, whether against the provisions of the aviation safety has been breached.

Update, 12. 4., 9.15 PM: the airfield is back in operation

The airfield hassfurt-Schweinfurt is, according to the fatal accident with a German army helicopter is back in operation. According to information from the district administrative office Haßberge from the Thursday the flight was opened in the late afternoon back in full.

Update, 11.4, 15: Prosecutor’s office of Bamberg is determined

After the fatal accident with a German army helicopter air traffic is Haßfurt at the airfield-Schweinfurt is still set. Among other things, a thorough cleaning would still work, said an airfield employees on Wednesday. The runway Maksibet and taxiways would need to be swept first, and cleaned, before the planes can take off and land.

On Monday had landed a transport helicopter of the German Bundeswehr at the airfield in the district of Haßberge in order to refuel. When you roll to the petrol station, the current rotor blades hit the Tower. Subsequently, parts of the rotor flew through the air and met in the Free-standing 60-Year-old. The seriously injured man was brought to the hospital, where he later died. The four-man helicopter crew, was uninjured.

The investigation by the Prosecutor’s office of Bamberg; it had involved a experts for aircraft accidents in the investigation. “The investigation is still ongoing. We now collect all the documents that the expert needs to create a meaningful report,“ said a court spokesman. The German armed forces investigate circumstances with a view to flight safety and also accident.

The helicopter is reported to be still in Haßfurt and waits for its removal. Due to the broken rotor blades he is incapable of flight.

On the airfield in the year, usually between 14,000 and 16,000 take-offs and landings of recreational and business aircraft.

initial report: German armed forces-helicopter collides with a Tower – man dies tragically

Haßfurt – In case of an accident with a helicopter is Haßfurt at the airfield-Schweinfurt killed a 60-year-old airfield employees. Such as the police and the Prosecutor’s office said on Tuesday, had appealed to the transport helicopters of the German armed forces on the day before an intermediate landing to refuel.

Also interesting: Strange! For this reason, the German army was training with the ADAC-helicopter

When you Roll up to the gas station met with the current rotor blades against the Tower, and debris flew through the air, the met, the aerodrome staff. The injured 60-Year-old was taken to the hospital, where he later died. The four-man helicopter crew, was uninjured.

also read: Due to manufacturer: Bundeswehr flies more old helicopters

in addition to the helicopter and the Tower, other buildings, and a detached aircraft were damaged by flying debris. The damage is likely to go, according to initial estimates in the millions. The flight operations at the airfield hassfurt-Schweinfurt has been discontinued until further notice, the course of the criminal investigation Department and the Prosecutor’s office of Bamberg determine.
