The famous press cartoonist Plantu caricatured Manuel Bompard and Mathilde Panot, leaders of France Insoumise as supporters of Hamas.

If Plantu is known for his wise outlook on society and his sharp pencil strokes, his latest drawing provokes strong reactions on social networks. In this caricature, the famous designer represents Manuel Bompard (coordinator of France Insoumise) and Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI group in the National Assembly, with a “Hamas” banner on their foreheads. But the timing is surprising.

This Wednesday, February 7, 2024, the national tribute to the French victims of the Hamas terrorist attack of last October 7 will be held at Les Invalides. A ceremony to which members of France Insoumise, including Bompard and Panot, were invited by the Head of State Emmanuel Macron. A presence that is not to everyone’s taste, and certainly not to that of the families of the victims of the Hamas attack on Israel. The latter even asked Emmanuel Macron to ban the presence of LFI elected officials during the tribute ceremony, in the name of a “lack of respect” on their part.

As a reminder, at the time of the events, LFI officials refused to qualify Hamas as a “terrorist” organization, preferring to speak of a “war crime” regarding the recent attack. “I intend to participate” declared Manuel Bompard, Sunday February 4 at the microphone of BFMTV. The MP considered it “normal for the nation to pay tribute to the victims” and the presence of elected officials from his political family to “share” the “pain” of the victims’ families is also justified according to him. This Wednesday, the day of the tribute, Plantu apparently reignited tensions at the worst of times.

His latest caricature did not fail to provoke a reaction on social networks. “Pitiful” can we read on X to describe his drawing. The press cartoonist is also described as “reactionary scum”. Conversely, some Internet users are delighted with the publication of this caricature, such as the former Secretary of State and LREM deputy for Paris, Benjamin Griveaux. The latter supports Plantu, still on X: “No better!” can we read, a message accompanied by applause.