Shortly before new year’s eve is the most beautiful Film of the year 2018 to the cinema, Caroline link’s film adaptation of Hape kerkeling autobiography, “The Boy needs to get some fresh air”. The fate of the comedian in his Childhood: His mother took her own life. In our interview, the Oscar-winning Director (54) tells of the difficult tightrope walk, kerkeling Humor and the tragic moments of his life alike.

How much was included Hape Kerkeling in the development of the film?

We met for the first Time, after I had read the screenplay by Ruth Toma. I visited him in Berlin. There was cheese cake, and we talked for a long time, the old photos looked at. It is in my Job, always fascinating, that you are with someone who is actually completely foreign to you, within the shortest period of time as intense talks about life, about Childhood and pain. Hape was very open and very interested in the fact that I can make a good Film.

It is a very sad, but also a very
comic book. What
you wanted to make a Comedy? A Drama?

Just for me, that was the big challenge, which is the Tone of the Film is told out to be. I have spoken about this for a long time with Hape. After the death of a young mother, you can’t say ‘Yes’: Is not all that bad. I wanted to find the right Balance.

What did he say?

Hape didn’t want it to be too sad. It was important to him that people can laugh still enough. I insisted that we take the pain of the little Hans-Peter ernst. The people want the story to feel authentic. Pain and Laughter often lie side by side. That’s how it is in real life.

It’s his story – but how much of Caroline Link’s in the movie?

It was very important to me that Hape with the Film agrees. It’s not about me. But, of course, it is always as a human being, if you make a Film, and 100 decisions a day and must make – which is the sweater, what car, what grandma? Then, I draw from my own experience. Funnily enough, I’m as old as Hape, Born in 1964, we come from the same time. And I’m also from the province – so the world is very familiar to me. This shrill aunts, strife and love in the family, this mess.

Speaking of decisions – how have you found Julius Wake-up calls for the main role?
fit and even the

(Laughs.) Yes, we have long sought. That was really difficult! I’ve already cast, often young girls, there are thousands that want to do this report. However, you are looking for a little blond chubby boy, that is something else. Above all, he had a language as fit as the Hape. Eventually, Julius was the Only one who could keep up.

Why do you so fond of children?

With children, I can speak very directly. I’ll tell you how to do something, and it’s going to happen. With adult actors, you have to work, of course, much of psychological. Not just a scene slide. This has advantages and disadvantages. (Laughs.)

you are less vain?

Maybe, Yes. Actually, it is, with children always the Same: for Two weeks, you are fixated on me and hang on my lips, according to the Motto: “I made it, Caroline?” Then a feeling of “I think I’ll make a’ pretty good at that, I here so much praise”. To come, when you will be calling for you, just as a response: “Jaaahaa,!” Shambling, shambling. It arises aversion, because it is exhausting. The boys then want to be a better sound engineer than an actor. The small Riva, the play in my next movie “As Hitler the pink rabbit steel”, wanted me to screw always Curls. “Say well look at your record” – “Yeah, but only if I allowed you to screw in after Curls!” (Laughs.)But basically, this is me, this is all totally legal. I love you always, my children.

+ Director, Caroline Link.©Photo: fkn

Hape you like. Why all the tears?

I don’t think so, because he rises above the people. Which is maybe sometimes a bit bitchy, if he has the feeling that the industry puts him too close on the Pelle. But to the simple people, he has a great Affection. When I spoke with him, I always had the feeling that has experienced a lot, everything is in good hands. I think that Hape is so successful, because he loves the people. He has a depth to it. You can feel it in his sketches. This is a deep man, esmer porno no nonsense head.

The screenplay was written by Ruth Toma
you have made a significant

Well, in the novel, the horse dies. As I read this, I said: Nah! Now I’m going to throw the script in the corner! If his horse dies, the grandmother and the mother – that is too much, I don’t want to see! Instead, I found that the horse had to be his salvation. I found the picture so cute of this little pug on the huge horse. (Laughs.)

What was the real
life of his rescue?
The Humor? Can us
sense of Humor from all
pull out?

Yes, I do think that the life with Humor is easier. But there are times where there is nothing to laugh at. And that’s fine. People weglachen your sorrow only, I don’t like. Everything has its time. Strangely enough, it is so that you can take especially if you have experienced something Painful, the Good grateful true. Hape can. I think he can appreciate what he has achieved. He has not become human at his side, whom he loves and who love him, and he is bitter. I think it’s nice, if it is possible to focus the view on what is good.