How ends of the dry year 2018? Current weather reports now allow many to have a good view of the fireworks fear. And also for the new year, the prospects are “more gray”.

2018 was the warmest year since the beginning of weather records. After a mainly dry, but possibly overcast new year’s eve could follow in January, a drop in temperature. Germany is surprised in January and February, may of a century-Winter. The new year is cold, stormy and rainy start.

weather Update from the 31.12., 14.51 PM: 2019 starts with the rain and the storm

The new year starts in Germany with uncomfortable weather. It is cold, stormy and in many places it is raining, as the German weather service (DWD) in Offenbach reported on Monday. Just on new year’s day, it should be in many Parts of the country is changeable and very windy. Also, the Trend for the first weekend in 2019 will be “more gray,” said DWD meteorologist.

On Tuesday, the rain falls mainly in the North and the South. Only in the Alps and in the Northern half of the clouds fans ceiling something, as soon as the rain has cleared. It is, according to the DWD 4 to 9 degrees. Is expected to spread with strong, in the North of stormy squalls from the West. The experts warn of smoothness in the night.

After the storm the sun

Tags in it it will be a little more cheerful. In the Republic of the sun is shown in many places, exceptionally a little longer, the rain stays off. In the middle and in the South a little snow falls in the Morning, but the clouds in the course of the day to the Alps.

Degrees below freezing are not expected on Wednesday, it’s supposed to warm up 1 to 5 degrees. The Wind can be compared to Tuesday and is blowing mostly moderate to fresh only in the Eastern half of it will still be strong gusts, the sea is more stormy.

On Thursday it is cloudy to heavily overcast and especially in the middle and in the South, snow showers come occasionally from the top. In West Germany, it’s going to rain. The sun is the Central mountain threshold breaks are the most likely to the North through the clouds. Frosty it is in the South of the country and in the mountains, where it can be, according to the DWD up to -4 degrees cold. Otherwise, the maximum temperatures are the same as on the previous day.

weather Update from the 29.12., 15.50 PM: The new year’s dreary weather

brings The dry year 2018, cloudy and rainy ends – new year’s eve rockets could disappear in the fog. On Sunday it will be mostly cloudy mostly strong and cloudy with area of drizzle, as the German weather service (DWD) in Offenbach announced on Saturday. Snow falls only in the areas above 600 to 800 meters. The best chances of sunshine are there in the North. The maximum temperatures are, according to the DWD in Germany between one and nine degrees.

Also on Monday, and thus possibly also on new year’s eve, there are dense clouds and little sun. The temperatures reach maximum values between three and ten degrees. In the new year’s eve night there may be local drizzle. “Missiles disappear, probably fairly quickly in the still low-hanging, dense clouds or in the fog,” said DWD meteorologist Adrian Leyser.

loosening there, most likely in the southwest. In the North, it’ll not foggy, but windy. The air mass exchange could help to reduce the local particulate pollution through new year’s eve rockets, said Leyser. In the South and middle of Germany, there will be little Wind. And also Metropolitan areas and large cities are affected by the fine dust pollution on new year’s eve.

the new year starts, according to the DWD “dingy”. A cold front will bring look-like rains and especially in the North and East, fresh, partly stormy gusts of wind.

weather Update from the 29.12., 9.30 am: hundreds of flight cancellations because of winter weather in the U.S.

A view of the Atlantic ocean: Due to severe winter weather in the United States in the midst of the Christmas holidays, hundreds of flights. According to the website FlightAware were canceled on Thursday and Friday a minimum of 1250 Compounds. More than 9000 flights were also delayed. Through storm and ice two people came to the South of the USA were killed.

After more than 800 flight cancellations and 6500 delays on Thursday, more than 450 flights were on Friday again, 2900 other goods too late. Especially the international airport, Dallas/Fort Worth was affected in the U.S. state of Texas.

weather Update from the 28.12.18; 15.30 – So the weather will be conferred on new year’s eve

Now seems to be fixed: With a mixture of rain, snow and Wind the year 2018, adopted in Germany. On Saturday with a Low in the North for rain concern, on Sunday the East and South get the rain and snow, said a spokesman of the German weather service (DWD) in Offenbach. Just to the South of the Danube and in the high altitudes of the black forest could show himself to the sun for long periods of time. Especially on the coast one of the strong to stormy Wind blow the rain in the face.

snow and sleet are forecast in the Eastern uplands and in the East of Bavaria. In particular, in the higher altitudes of the ore mountains there could be a lot of snow, from the Fichtelgebirge to the Bavarian forest, a few inches were expected. On Sunday, the rainfall from pull, to the Alps, it can snow up in the afternoon. In the rest of the country, it is mostly dry and with 3 to 9 degrees, quite mild.

On new year’s eve the weather calms down. The Wind’ll take it, it’ll stay cloudy. Only with a bit of luck there may be a short loosening, most likely in the southwest. Because little will change according to DWD, in the new year’s eve.

Mild temperatures on Christmas

classic white Christmas, the majority of Germany had to do without this year. With truly mild temperatures the year is coming to an end. Even if the Association had to fight tents in regions with moderate to high water was in 2018, overall, the warmest year since the weather records. With extraordinary weather phenomena such as tornadoes, flash floods, or extreme hail, had to fight Germany, especially in may and June.

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So the weather will be in January: Expected Germany to a temperature fall?

However, although the December is down around three degrees, on average, to warm, could soon be followed by a violent drop in temperature, as meteorologist Dominik Jung of explained. Although a drop in temperature for the first of January, suggests week, there is no guarantee. “It is a rough Trend. If the drop in temperature comes but really, today is still totally uncertain,“ says Young.

Jung continued: “The next few days the weather bobs up and down just so. Exciting is not expect the weather to,“ says the meteorologist. The Winter, however, could take off in a big way. An unusual weather phenomenon could bring in January and February, a century-Winter to Germany.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.
