the exam is held in Seeon want to re-sharpening the CSU course in the migration policy again. This is especially Alexander Dobrindt is a concern. It is a balancing act for an empty provocateur.

Munich – In recent weeks, Alexander Dobrindt had to do something to him so even do not like: Silence. The native of Upper Bavaria, who actually want to occur as the hardest and kantigste Conservative in the CSU, prescribed a provocation pause. Hardly a record to the migration policy, not a stab against Merkel, a little to the AfD. It was by his standards a deafening silence.

there are reasons for This. From the outside Dobrindt is described as a tumber Rumpler. More accurately is that each are calculated in his Statements, and even gross insults, that he always thinks several options for action. Up to the end of the year, he thought it wise, for a change, to hold back. In the CSU, others have taken the word: Markus Söder wants to demanded that as the Prime Minister and President-designate of the party leader in the migration policy, a more cautious choice of words and Africa travel; Manfred Weber, the bat on the way to Europe, President of the Commission for a waiver of a party political firecrackers. Added to this was the grumbling in Dobrindts own of the CSU state group, in which several MPs criticised his course and his words (“Anti-immigration-industrial,” “conservative Revolution”) rugged.

CSU aims division of roles

The emotions have since cooled off a bit. Behind the Scenes it is, the new CSU-heads contributed to a division of roles: father of the country Söder, Europeans Weber, edges grinders Dobrindt. Signs that the gentleness ends soon, there were several. “We need to be ready to take advantage of the political spaces back stronger,” he said four weeks ago, our newspaper on the sidelines of the CDU-party tags. “In ambush” was the headline of the “Spiegel” at the end of December, “the true Dobrindt” will soon make their voices heard.

Wrong: the exam is held in Seeon, the on 3. January starts, turns Dobrindt is now the Controller. On new year’s day, his people have submitted to a long internal consulting position paper on migration and security policy that takes in Parts of the old course. The core of the reputation after a series of right is stricter. German courts should impose less mild probation, if the offender were convicted in foreign countries, a European Central register to create transparency. Offenders refugees are to be transferred to prisons in their countries of origin. The CSU wants to restrict the immigration of skilled workers to persons under 45 years of age and by law to prevent such immigrants can later make asylum claims.

Dobrindt: “We stand for a strong state”

“We stand for a strong state,” says Dobrindt of our newspaper. “We want to give the security agencies the right tools to Hand, so that you can get our country under varying conditions of our citizens a safe, peaceful and free.”

The experience: With its decision templates ahead of the meeting in Seeon (formerly Kreuth), the CSU always for maximum swirl, nationwide. Will not be implemented by the claims a lot, a lot seeps in, only tough in the policies of the coalition. Interesting choice of words, but always to the Dobrindt the tone of the beginning of the year. The fancy variant was flying five years ago, the formula “one Who deceives”; at that time, the debate around Romanian and Bulgarian poverty migration turned. This year, the CSU is formulated a little more cautious, but again, very acuminate.

“Who needs our hospitality, miss, you must go,” is in the passage to offenders refugees. At the latest, immediately after the Serving of prison sentences, the best earlier, should be deported – “according to the clear principle: From the prison gate to the departure gate”. Immigration, wool in the professionals-paragraph, “in the labour market, the labour office”.

For national-conservative voters, which Weber and the new Söder are too gentle, to provide such formulas, a piece of self-assurance. Above all, they are created even on provocation. A wave of Excitement from the SPD and the Greens would probably be the most Beautiful thing you can imagine Dobrindt in front of the Seeon cloister. His Silence is officially over until Further notice.

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