Ann-Kathrin Götze and husband Mario to spend the Christmas holiday in Dubai. The game woman gives in-depth insights in a Bikini.

Update from 30. December 2018: the Fans of the game wife, Ann-Kathrin Götze are accustomed to beautiful photos of the pretty blonde. Whether shopping, night life or together with friends: the 29-Year-old provides her Fans with daily snapshots. Since Christmas Götze vacationing with husband Mario in Sunny Dubai, the reason for quite revealing shots on her Social Media Account.

A picture stands out from the pretty pictures, however. To see Ann-Kathrin Götze is spent sitting on one, face in the sun and stretched. From the white Bikini is not to see, thanks to an angled leg and entangled arms a lot. On second glance, it looks quite different. Attentive Fans have set their sights on the Bikini Zone to the pretty blonde. Almost would have been involuntarily shown too much, only to walk face-down to the bare Essentials. Their Fans seems to be the snapshot that you want to like, of course: “Wow, you look so great!”, note some Users.

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A post shared by ANN-KATHRIN GÖTZE (@annkathringotze) on Dec 25, 2018 5:31 PST

wife of Mario Götze shows a lot of skin – which is a Fan has a Problem

Update from 11. October 2018: “Siesta”, writes Ann-Kathrin Gotze only makes you Pause. Or A Vacation? So exactly you can share it with your Followers don’t know. What is clear is that the wife of Borussia Dortmund midfielder Mario Gotze relaxes. She is not stingy with her Charms: she shows a lot of leg, she stretched on her balcony table. It looks like you do to create the sun, and only on the balcony of your hotel room, you can take it.

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Siesta ☁ love it.

A post shared by ANN-KATHRIN GÖTZE (@annkathringotze) on Oct 9, 2018 9:27 PM PDT

Ann-Kathin Götze: Follower towards and away from your dress

most of your Followers are blown away by the sight of Ann-Kathrin Götze (formerly Brömmel), and would prefer to be with her on the balcony.

“Beautiful,” writes a user.

“Wow, super beautiful dress – you’re always very natural, I find really great,” writes one Instagram user.

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“where your Outfit is?” asks another. “Your dress is so beautiful,” commented another user.

Also the place of the Siesta is in your followers a subject. “Are you in Mexico?”, presumed to be a User. “Have you ever been in Mexico?”, a User asks the beauty directly.

User bothers to götze’s posture

A User but don’t like götze’s posture: “child, feet off the table, sit down and what you gonna put on Reasonable!”, he writes.

But immediately he is not rowing back, so he wants to blame Götze, apparently, but: “So, like, come on now, Seriously! You fit right in the world!“ So everything is half as wild.

Just days before the Beauty Queen photos of Paris posted. If she’s really in Mexico? This was götze’s the last photo in Paris: “Bye Paris,” wrote the idol.

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Bye Paris | display

A post shared by ANN-KATHRIN GÖTZE (@annkathringotze) on Oct 5, 2018 5:04 PM PDT

Ann-Kathrin kisses her Mario: There are two different photos

in Between, she also had a photo with your loved one for your User:

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My happy place

A post shared by ANN-KATHRIN GÖTZE (@annkathringotze) on Oct 8, 2018 10:18 PM PDT

“My happy place”, commented on them – apparently, they had between Paris and Mexico (?) but even in the short time, in Dortmund, with Mario over to watch. Interesting: Mario posted a photo of the Moment, but Ann-Kathrin has to open his eyes.

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A post shared by MARIO GÖTZE (@mariogotze) on Oct 8, 2018 at 10:24 am PDT