The Numbers of the Hartz-IV-recipients continued to fall. For the first time less than three million households are living from unemployment benefits.

Berlin – The number of Hartz-IV recipients, a report says. For the first time since the introduction of Hartz IV, 14 years ago, less than three million households from the basic protection of life, such as the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Friday edition) reported, citing Figures from the Federal employment Agency.

Figures fall further and further

from the job centers in November 2,996 million so-called needs have been supplied to communities financially. These were just under 200,000, or 6.2 percent fewer than sahabet a year earlier. Since 2008, the number of Hartz-IV-households declined according to almost 600,000, or 17 per cent.

also read: , more and more Hartz IV for people in work

SPD seeks to Reform or abolition of Hartz IV

The introduction of Hartz IV was part of the Agenda 2010 of the former Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD). The Reform is still controversial, even within the SPD. Party leader Andrea Nahles had demanded in November, the Overcoming of Hartz-IV-system and the abolishment of the sanctions pronounced. The Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) aims for this year is a Hartz-IV-Reform.