they were deported with trains, gassed, or by members of the Einsatzgruppen shot: Alone in the narrow period from August to October 1942, the Nazis killed in Eastern Europe a quarter of all Jewish Holocaust victims, a new study shows.

Tel Aviv – In the extermination camps of Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz, and mass had been murdered in the last three months of about 1.47 million Jews, writes the researchers Lewi Stone of Tel Aviv University in the journal “Science Advances, the shootings of the Einsatzgruppen of the SS”. About 25 per cent “in the Second world war within six years of the killed Jews were murdered in an intensive 100-day thrust of the Nazis”. In the process, killing rates with extreme rashes, ( … ), about ten Times higher than commonly accepted””.

Within 100 days, be, around 1.1 million people alone in Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka to be murdered, writes Stone. The camps were part of the so-called “Aktion Reinhardt” – a campaign of Destruction, which was named after the killed SS henchman Reinhard (t) Heydrich.

(also read: In the concentration camp, she found the love of your life: Gita was married to her Auschwitz tattoo artist)

302.000 people had been shot by the Einsatzgruppen in the Ukraine and southern Russia. About 91.400 Jews were killed during this time in Auschwitz. In the period of 100 days, about 445.700 people were murdered per month in the end. Thus, the killing rate was also much higher than that which is usually adopted for the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, writes Stone. There you go out of 243.300 murders per month. For his study of the Professor of mathematical biology, previously published mainly on the spread of infectious diseases was evaluated according to its own figures, especially Figures of the Holocaust researcher Yitzhak Arad to deportation trains. After more than 480 trains of the Deutsche reichsbahn of 393 of the Polish towns and Ghettos to the three Central death were Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka camps the dangers.

The camp of the “Aktion Reinhardt” had found in the past years, little attention, writes Stone. This was mainly due to the fact that, in contrast to the concentration camp Auschwitz almost no Survivors. “Detailed records of the killings do not exist almost because of the strict secrecy of the Nazis around the Operation Reinhardt.” All this is not true: two years Ago, the German Holocaust researcher Stephan Lehnstaedt under the title “The core of the Holocaust, has published” a study of the death of the “Aktion Reinhardt camps”. He came to similar Numbers as now Stone: The total number of victims of “Aktion Reinhardt” from March 1942 to November 1943, and spent at least 1.8 million dead, wrote Lehnstaedt. Furthermore, the camp of Sobibor, in 2011, became known by the Munich trial against the SS agents John Demjanjuk to a broad Public.

The study of the Stone is likely to be discussed in professional circles wider, because the author of a “thought out Plan” of the Nazi authorities out to kill within a short period of time as many people as possible, so that acts of Resistance in the first place. First reactions, however, are cautious. Efraim Zuroff, head of the Simon Wiesenthal centre in Jerusalem, said: “It is an interesting fact, but it is not a big discovery that would change our understanding or our perception of the whole process.” The NS-researcher Jens-Christian Wagner, head of the lower Saxony memorials Foundation, doubted that the “mathematical calculation of homicide rates”, and the comparison with Rwanda, “knowledge is good”. More important is the question of why the mass murder of 1942, “developed such a momentum”.