Sahra car farmhand movement seems to get Up the licence fees, sick of his criticism “manifests”, but in a style that many observers bad burp.

Berlin – With a Tweet about the broadcasting contribution to the left movement has to Stand up “” to wagenknecht’s taken care of on Saturday for outrage. In the on Twitter shared a graphic with “ARD” and “ZDF” lettered man is holding the other upside down and shakes him, where, apparently, money slips out of his clothes to fall. “Broadcasting contribution fee raise? Better idea: the income of the TV-Directors cut!“, among other things, is written on it. The claim: “citizens’ media instead of the government’s broadcasting!”

“government broadcasting”: Secretary of state, irritated – “get Up”-supporters to criticise

especially about the concept of “government broadcasting” for the public broadcasting other Twitter upset users. “”Government broadcasting” – it’s serious (…)?”, the state Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance, Wolfgang Schmidt asked. “This is really embarrassing. Criticism on the AfD Level,“ wrote the left-wing member of the German Bundestag Niema Movassat. “All that’s missing is the term “old parties”. SPD Vice Ralf Stegner said, “so what you reap the consent of the right-wing populists and Pegidioten”.

Also interesting: Wagenknecht with a yellow vest in front of the Chancellery – a provocation against Merkel

Remarkably, a profiled practiced Stand-supporters-critique – albeit in a more moderate tone of voice. The member of the Bundestag Marco Bülow said: “For me, the public media remain indispensable. There is also no government broadcasting.“ Needed a debate about “how the fees will be dealt with”, or even about the topics and guest’s choice of talk shows, however.

license fees: Controversial Up-Tweet is similar to To get Up AfD-word choice and Position

the movement “” also includes many of the party colleagues of Movassat, her figurehead is a Left group head Wagenknecht. In the summer of your established “Up”movement, had claims to last about 167,000 supporters. Internally, it was apparently also discussed participation in the European elections in 2019.

The “Stand up”-Tweet is similar to the content and wording of the AfD-line. This demanded the Bundestag election program, for the broadcast fee (“forced contributions”) to be abolished. Public broadcasting should be fundamentally transformed into a slim “citizen radio” with access to voluntary payer reform.

The CDU Chairman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (all the News in the Ticker) warned meanwhile, in Europe emergence of the phenomenon of political movements. You have so far, no one can answer the question, what happens if in a to only a Person set, this Person fails, said Kramp-Karrenbauer in one on the Saturday of the CSU land group in the monastery of Seeon, published conversation. “What happens with the political System?”, Kramp-Karrenbauer.

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