Since September 2018 be approved for a new car, according to the WLTP test procedure, and taxed. In the sale, but still consumption values according to the old method.

the World since 1. September 2018 for a new car, a new test procedure. With the WLTP more realistic fuel consumption and CO2 emission values are to be determined, as it was during the NEDC procedure. Problem: car dealers do not have to distinguish the usually higher WLTP-measured values.

New measuring method leads to a higher Vehicle tax

until at least the beginning of April 2019 can be applied to new cars, with the supposedly better the NEDC values, warns the Auto Club Europa (ACE). Therefore, the new WLTP flow values but in the calculation of the Vehicle tax for new cars already. As a result of the higher CO2 value of the motor Vehicle tax increases.

By switching to WLTP, the passenger Car energy consumption labelling Ordinance (Pkw-EnVKV) in Germany is affected. This regulates the consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions of new cars. The Revision must be examined according to ACE, but only , and this could drag on until the end of the first quarter of 2019.

also read: driving bans in Germany – In these cities are not allowed to drive Diesel.

WLTP-values so far is not mandatory for traders

hitherto need to be used for customer information in accordance with Pkw-EnVKV “old”, mostly the lower of the NEDC-values on the part of manufacturers and dealers. This concerns, among other things, the Car Label, posters and advertising – whether in print or online.

The new WLTP-values must be given, however, on a voluntary Basis, in parallel . Only with the entry into force of the revised Pkw-EnVKV the consumption values according to the WLTP mandatory for the communication with Consumers.

Also interesting: What is the emissions standard for my Diesel? So you figure it out.


On this car, you can look forward to 2019