The United States is paralyzed by a Shutdown, the budget dispute continues. Donald Trump moves away from its wall requirement, but wants to build something else. The current News from the United States.

U.S. President Donald Trump continue to plague Russia-the investigation against him, led by special investigator Robert Mueller. In the budget fight with the Democrats, Trump has proposed to the Democrats a “Deal”.
In the dispute over a border wall to Mexico, Trump is adamant The previous News from the USA, you can read here. >>>Update<<<

7. January 2019, 09.23 PM: on Sunday clear that Donald Trump does not insist on a wall on the border to Mexico – but as opposed in the direction of Democrats, as he interprets the self that can be understood was to come. Because instead, the US President wants to build a fence. The had explained on Sunday, his chief of staff Me Mulvaney. Trump himself said, according to the “It’s a steel will be limit, and that will give us great strength.”

The Democrats hold the construction of a wall to “Think of Yesterday” and refuse to date the recording of the required $ 5.6 billion in the US budget – this dispute is crippling for some weeks now, the business of government. That the Democrats are talking about a fence better, should, meanwhile, be doubted.

The News to Donald Trump, from 6. January, 2019: the United States and North Korea

19.53 PM:

The United States and North Korea with the North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un to advise according to data from the US President, Donald Trump is currently the site of its next summit. “We’re negotiating over a place,” Trump said on Sunday. This will be announced “probably in the not-too-distant future”. Both sides were agreed that there should be a second Meeting.

Trump and Kim were to meet in the course of its policy of rapprochement last June in Singapore to a historic summit come together. While Kim agreed to the “denuclearization” of his country. More detailed definitions on a schedule or control measures for the process are not yet available.

In the dispute over U.S. border wall to Mexico: Trump threatens with a national state of emergency

17.49 at: US President, Donald Trump has renewed on Sunday his threat and, if necessary, to the National declare a state of emergency, and so the wall was built against the Parliament. “It may be that I exclamations a National emergency, it depends on what happens in the next few days,” said the President.

Trumps chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, said that Trump had moved away from a wall made of concrete and was now a steel fence agree – this was, after all, be coming to the Democrats. Trump himself said: “We need to build the wall, or we need to build a barrier. The barrier or the wall can be made of steel, if that works better.“

Update 15: 30 PM: US President, Donald Trump is in dispute with his desired wall on the border to Mexico again on the successful series “Game of Thrones”. “The Wall is coming,” wrote Trump on Twitter. Under his fierce face emblazoned on the image of the lettering with the series title inspired double stroke through the “O”, including a picture of Trump’s planned border barrier.

The original quote in the series is “Winter is coming”. Trump uses online media as well as allusions to movies and TV shows always like to promote its policies or measures to announce.

Donald Trump: Unyielding in a dispute over border wall

Washington – US President Donald Trump is not also retreated on Sunday from its demand for a border wall with Mexico. “99 percent of our illegal border crossing are crossings,” wrote Trump on Sunday on Twitter. He quoted his democratic predecessors, Barack Obama and his election opponent, Hillary Clinton, had spoken out both years ago, also for better protection against illegal Migration.

In the course of the day wanted to be Vice-President Mike Pence come together, as on Saturday with representatives of Republicans and Democrats in Congress. The Meeting on Saturday had brought no progress. The Chairman of the house of representatives, Nancy Pelosi, had several times declared that her party will make no money for the construction of a wall in the budget.

Trump himself should lead on Sunday at the country residence Camp David in Washington with officials of the White house talks. The acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney has invited the staff to a weekend getaway.

The dispute over the construction of the wall has a partial government standstill that lasts for more than two weeks. Hundreds of thousands of government officials must be currently working without immediate payment or had to take a forced vacation. Museums and national parks are closed. Millions of Americans need to be longer than hoped for wait for tax refunds, because the IRS is concerned.


also read: “No big progress”: Trump does not come in an important topic easy

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