the collective euphoria of their climax? On Ebay, a special Greek coin doing the rounds. But what is the money piece makes so special?

Always marketplace Ebay Euro coins, with false imprints appear on the Online and are offered at incredible prices. If you thought it can’t be expensive, should you were a new offer now.

One Million euros for a defective 2-Euro-coin

for a Greek 2 Euro coin, a seller wants to not just a few thousand euros, but a whopping one Million euros. The coin on the way, a kind of Mule, there is no second Time, writes the seller in his offer.

What makes the coin so special? the you come from Greece from the year 2002. The 2-Euro coin is adorned with a picture of the “abduction of Europe” by Zeus in the shape of a Bull. According to the seller, the Breasts of Europe, have come on this coin is particularly large.

Also interesting: you Have 2-Euro-coin in the purse? Then you could be looking at 54,000 euros.

The “Greek king coin” a bargain?

in Addition, located on both sides of the 2-Euro coin with a material surplus. On the edge of the “E look” more like the Greek Sigma. the In addition, the piece of Money marked on the edges with a boot. , the weight was different from the Standard. Instead of 8.5 grams, the coin weighing only 8,32 grams. The seller referred to the Mule as a Greek king coin.

For all who are of the opinion that are you a Million Euro to much for the 2-Euro coin , the seller has to say, too: “The sum required for this single piece of an Appel and an Egg”, he writes in conclusion.

also read: Has your coin to this error? Then they don’t sell better on eBay.