flew a package: it comes up more often than you think. Amazon sends a customer a proof of the photo and puts the network in an uproar.

Everyone knows the image of the newspaper dispensing boys in the residential areas of the United States, which accuses the newspaper targeted in front of the house doors. A similar image you might have before your eyes, if you look at the story of a Reddit User. Only that it was not a newspaper, but his Amazon package.

Amazon: Flying packet, with the proof photo

Even if it is in the picture at first glance may look: The Amazon-pack of flies. Or better said, the courier threw it in front of the door. What works for Germany, now with gross negligence, but is not everything. Because of the Amazon delivery service made of his throwing action also directly take a photo and sent it to the customer. In Germany this would be the perfect evidence to prosecute the package offered legally.

Big shout out to Amazon for taking a pic of my package delivery mid-throw from r/funny

the Reddit Post, was called into question , the package is not stuck between the door and the frame. The Reddit User posted a Video of his entrance camera, which shows how he picks up the package from your doorstep and the package’s throw proves. The Video you see here.

Amazon sent photos of delivered packages

Amazon flying packages are already a reality – at least in this way. While many of the other Reddit User about the action with slogans such as “Your package was delivered by Chuck Norris.” have fun, are Not obvious-Americans are appalled by the behavior of the delivery. While in Germany, for example, strict rules prevail, to messenger here the Land parcel packages by the area, throw in the United States Amazon customers photos of their delivered delivery . The packages are placed but partially incorrect or unusual places, such as, for example, in the Flowerbed, but also the people in the States. Especially if the goods have already been damaged, or weather and theft become a Problem. Then only the call to the Amazon customer service helps .

for More on package offered: About ring package offered by DHL, Hermes & co. rare

the DHL driver grabs : Therefore, packets are not delivered