The year 2018 was probably the most difficult in her entire career as a politician. Who is following Angela Merkel in the Chancellery? The News-Ticker.

The year 2018 was for Angela Merkel is anything but easy. In her new year address, the Chancellor himself is critical. In international politics, the issues of Russia-Ukraine conflict and Syria. In the first survey of the year, Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer lands in the category of “popularity”, just behind Angela Merkel. FDP-Chef Christian Lindner meanwhile, the three king of the party hit a shot in the direction of the CDU and, indirectly, the resignation of Angela Merkel demanded. The News of the last few days to Angela Merkel, you can find here.


7. January 2019, 20.27 at:

the tips of The black-red coalition have advised to start off the year on the Central themes of the government in the next few months. The group came together on Monday evening at 18: 00 under the leadership of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the government headquarters in Berlin. Previously had met at the Chancellery by 16.00 on the old and new top of the Union with Angela Merkel. In the deliberations of the coalition top, it should go to the information of the German press Agency, the main points of the government work in the new year.

In groups of Participants talk of a long agenda, with at least nine key points. It was expected that discussions deep into the night. Information on results were not expected on the evening – you have not disclosed, it was said of both sides. It was a rather unspectacular new year’s meetings at the invitation of the Chancellor.

In the deliberations took from the SPD side, the internal under severe pressure, party leader Andrea Nahles, Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, as well as foreign Minister Heiko Maas part. Previously, the new CDU at the Meeting of the Union side with Merkel-Boss Annegret participated Kramp-Karrenbauer, Union leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) and CSU chief Horst Seehofer, his designated successor, the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder, and the Berlin of the CSU land group chief Alexander Dobrindt.

7. January 2019, 17.32 at: FDP-Chef Christian Lindner would see Chancellor Angela Merkel would rather “today” as the morning, from your office to withdraw. But is this a realistic scenario? According to experts, is: Rather not. Two political scientists have Annegret at the request of the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, a soon-to-be Transition of the responsibility of Angela Merkel in the CDU-party leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer into the realm of the fable referred to.

“the fact That the coalition partner SPD to join, and AKK of all Union members would be, seems to me questionable. This may tremendously go wrong, and on new elections,“ said the Mainz political scientist Jurgen Falter the sheet. Merkel will remain “for sure in 2019, and probably until the end of the parliamentary term” in office.

by his colleague Albrecht von Lucke considers a change in the Chancellery for “excluded”. It is not in the interest of the SPD Kramp-Karrenbauer to upgrade and lose maybe the elections in the year 2021 “safer”. Similar to the comments recently by the way, also Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert.

Chancellor Angela Merkel: FDP-Chef Lindner would resign “better today”

7. January 2019, 10.03 PM: On the three king of the FDP meeting shall inform party chief Christian Lindner neatly against the CDU. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer got away your fat and also against the Lindner actually valued Friedrich Merz, there were critical voices: The disappointed Merz-followers were at the FDP also not welcome.

+ Christian Lindner (R) has indirectly demanded the resignation of Angela Merkel.©dpa/sdm

Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed Lindner, according to n-tv an indirect withdrawal request: He asked for on Sunday, according to the report, Merkel’s retreat “better today”. In addition, Lindner accused the Union to be part of an illiberal political family – he was proud that his FDP draw with Emmanuel Macron, and not like the CDU, with Viktor Orban in the European election campaign. The Hungarian Prime Minister Orban is due to its authoritarian government style again and again in the criticism.

survey to start off the year 2019: AKK and Merkel almost equal to

the start of The year, the new CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer same good news. The former Saarland Minister-President was the first survey of the year in RTL/n-tv“trend barometer“, the popularity of values almost on a par with Angela Merkel (CDU). The new Federal Chairman received 55 points (an increase of eleven points over the month of September), which ranked just behind the Chancellor. Angela Merkel received 60 points, which meant for them an increase of ten points. On rank three Green-chief Robert Habeck came up with 50 points (no change).

Also interesting: “Eco-populist” and “hypocritical”: CSU-General said brings to the backlash against Green

Forsa chief Manfred Güllner: “the turn of The Year 2018/19 is felt, contrary to many assumptions in the public debate, most citizens in Germany of Chancellor twilight.”

new year’s address 2018/19 Angela Merkel: Germany major tasks

German Chancellor Angela Merkel had agreed to the citizens in her new year’s address on a growing international responsibility of Germany and a further structural change in the economy. To overcome challenges, set the Federal government on global cooperation, said the CDU politician. “Because the fate is the question of climate change, the the control and order of the Migration, since the fight against international terrorism. In our own interest we want to solve all these questions, and we can do that best if we said the interests of others, considering,“ said Merkel. In the speech, she also proposed self-critical tones.

The lengthy formation of a government was, of course, also an issue: “we have taken a long time to form a government, and as we had them, because there was a fight and a lot of preoccupation with ourselves,” she said. She stressed that all employees of the state would do everything in their Power for the peace and internal cohesion of the country. In addition, you went to the international role of Germany, which will be in 2019 and 2020, a member of the UN security Council.

“We are increasing our funding for humanitarian aid and development assistance, but also our defense spending further,” announced the Chancellor. Other topics in the international cooperation US President Donald Trump and the European Union.

Syria and Russia 2018/19: Merkel in contact with Erdogan and Putin

Also, the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, Donald Trump had announced that it has Chancellor Angela Merkel and the international community. The former CDU-Chef in a telephone conversation with Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed the expectation that “Turkey with restraint and responsibility will respond to the announced withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria,” said Deputy government spokeswoman Martina Fietz. In the view that the Islamic state was not yet defeated, the two politicians agree. Thus, the opinion of Erdogan and Merkel, the Trump diametrically opposite. This had recently declared that the IS is defeated.

And also the topic of Ukraine holds the Chancellor on the trot. At the end of November Russia, Ukrainian sailors had taken in the Strait of Kerch captured, what is fired in turn, the conflict with the Ukraine. Merkel had made in a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin for the seafarers ‘ release. Merkel spoke in a telephone conversation with Putin on other international issues. It was about the civil war country Syria, like Demmer said. Both politicians had been agreed “that the development of a political process for the settlement of the conflict must be pursued in Syria,” it said in the message.

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