In the past, had a Wiesn host Wiggerl Hagn can cause problems. Now Löwenbräu itself moves, apparently, from his Wiesn-Wirt.

Munich – That would be the Hagn-Hammer! The brewery is apparently part of your Oktoberfest host. We know that Lowenbrau has proposed Wiggerl Hagn (79) host again, as a tent-but also offered an Alternative. Accordingly, Hagn, a daughter of Stephanie Spendler and one of his grandsons, John, or Luke, take over fixed line. After more than 60 years – Oktoberfest without Wiggerl? The decision of the city Council!

The procedure of Löwenbräu represents a novelty, since the six Breweries host usually only a Feast for your tents name. The city Council then approved the application of the brewery, not of the host. This is in contrast to the five outdoor tents, where the restaurateur appearance as a candidate.

host Hagn has been in Trouble with the city

city hall insiders expect that an application Löwenbräus with the host Hagn would become difficult. As reported, the 79-Year-old in Trouble with the city because he is around two million euros in turnover is not specified. Among other things, Hagn have the free brands of the brewery, which given these, not for the determination of the lease is introduced. As a result, the city escaped the attention of well – to-110 000 Euro, has settled the host, however, in the meantime. The final result of the examination by the for the Oktoberfest competent Department of labor and industry is not yet available. Hagn was not reached for the tz.

it was Also do not know from city hall circles that the second proposal of the brewery performing really an Alternative, because Spendler operates the tent together with her father in a restaurant Betriebs oHG, therefore, an open trade society.


“If one of the two does something, he acts with and for the other,” says an industry expert. “There is going to be sure still talks, and possibly a note to the brewery.”

conversation needs to be definitely, because, as reported by the Department for work and economy due to the Causa Hagn is currently the accounts of all the major tents once again in control. IF had passed Dieter Reiter (SPD). External auditors have been switched on.

These costs, in turn, to carry the hosts. And not a few Scene insiders assume, that the resulting additional financial burdens are allocated to the Oktoberfest 2019, in turn, on prices.

the city awards the tents

in Total, there are (with the ‘oide Wiesn’) 16 large tents and 22 small. Which is the host comes at the Oktoberfest, decides the city. Based on an evaluation catalogue with 13 categories to assign zero to eleven points each.

criteria are, among other things, folk festival experience, and the reliability in performance of the contract, Tradition, Ortsansässigkeit of the applicant, Ecology and environmental protection. Particularly high, the equipment, the technical Standard and attraction of the enterprises to be assessed.

S. Karowski, A. Geier