A young woman was captured in the Chiemgau region of a vehicle, and died a little later. After the publication of the mug shots was now a suspect.

Update from the 8. January 2019, 16.02 PM:

In the case of a fatal hit-and-run from Sunday was the 27-year-old alleged Car-driver at the request of the public Prosecutor’s office of the judge to the examination of the detention issue presented . The judge issued against the man to warrant, he was in a prison.

Update from the 8. January 2019, 13.39 at:

After a fatal hit-and-run in the Chiemgau, the police have a Suspect in custody. The 27-Year-old is said to have recorded his car in Aschau, a 23-Year-old, and so severely injured that she died in the hospital. Also, against two passengers, the police determined, as announced on Tuesday.

The 27-Year-old should be presented on Tuesday to the detention of judges. According to police information he has given, to the time of the accident at the wheel sat. The two riders came to their interrogation. Against them the suspicion of failure to provide assistance, and the attempted obstruction of justice.

Update from the 8. January 2019, 12: 40 p.m.: With this call, the police of upper Bavaria South in order to hunt fugitive after the Accident.

victim worked in the Residenz Heinz Winkler in Aschau

News from the 7. January 2019, 20.09 PM : When a car fatally injured a woman, it is Veronika R., the 23-Year-old worked in the Residenz Heinz Winkler in Aschau. “We are shocked. Our thoughts are with the parents,” said the star chef and the employer: “it was all extremely popular and a Top-strength.”

R. had begun in 2012, her training in the house and had risen to the position of Deputy Desk Director. “We’re sorry for your accidental death infinite. She was one of our Best,“ said Winkler compared to the OVB (paid content).

accident victims from Aschau in the Chiemgau in the hospital ver

Update 15.54 PM: , The young woman who was run over on Sunday morning, on the way home from the Disco in Aschau im Chiemgau by a car, is dead. She succumbed to her severe injuries in the course of Monday. Now, the criminal investigation Rosenheim has taken over the investigation in this case.

it’s equal to several Alleged crimes. The Prosecutor’s office of Traunstein and the police are investigating attempted manslaughter by omission, negligent killing, as well as unauthorized removal from the scene of the accident. The formed investigation group “snow” has a note that might help in the capture of the fugitive driver.

+ This grille of the VW Golf VI took the police to the accident.©Police of upper Bavaria South

To the accident, the vehicle was able to be ensured in part that perhaps comes from the volatile vehicle. This is a grille made of plastic, which comes from a VW Golf 6 and in the left front section is mounted.

have taken place already on Sunday vehicle inspections of cars of the requested model, which will be continued in the coming days. The police asks to continue.

initial report of the serious accident in Aschau

Aschau – the driver of the vehicle involved hit-and-run committed. At the police station, Prien am Chiemsee has been set up for the clarification of the case, an investigation group. The police also asks for information in the case.

At 03.45 p.m., a 23-Year-old on Sunday morning went in Aschau walk from the nightclub “ice” in the direction of the centre of the town. While her companion went on the sidewalk, picked the young lady in the road, apparently because these winter roads better was vacated.

accident in Aschau: woman brain dead

Between the districts of High – and low-Aschau has been recorded, the wife of a in the same direction of the moving vehicle, and by the force of the impact on the roadway thrown, where she remained critically injured. The driver or the driver of the vehicle involved drove without stopping in the direction of the centre of the town. The companion of the victim’s care until the Arrival of the emergency medical service to its well-Known.

The 23-Year-old, who lives in Aschau, with an ambulance, initially in a clinic in Rosenheim spent. Because their injuries were so serious, she was taken into a special clinic in Vogtareuth and emergency surgery.

23-Year-old brain dead

Unfortunately, for the life of the 23-Year-old little hope, they had to be explained at the Sunday morning brain dead.

At the police station, Prien am Chiemsee has been set up for the clarification of the case, an investigation group. In addition to officials of the inspection Prien a hit-and-run investigators working on the case. The police secured the tracks, conducted some of the interviews and surveys, and could also ensure a part of the vehicle comes with some probability of escape vehicle.

According to the companion of the 23-Year-old, is the vehicle a “Van-like” Cars.


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