What you travel you can pack into your hand Luggage if the plane? The passport, maybe something to read. But certainly not what took this woman.

Who does not know: The trip is, the Considerations begin, what needs to be Packed. What comes in the suitcase, what’s in your hand Luggage? Because finally, the allowable weight is limited. As you think about exactly what may and what not.

woman posts photo of plane and is item laughed at

you have probably thought never mind a few strings of lights to pack, so that you can then shoot a photo for your Instagram profile. But this is exactly the fact, a young woman, only unfortunately, not respect, and enthusiastic exclamations, but – Surprise! – ridicule and Häme reaped .

Harimao Lee is a Influencerin with around 130,000 followers on Instagram, which was on a Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong to Rome is obviously taken with the idea, light chains, to take in hand Luggage . Because: “It was a long dark night during a flight from Hong Kong to Rome. Star a thing that you can do in the cabin is to be observed,” writes the young woman to the photo. What a double-entendre and profundity!

look at the height to you in this post on Instagram

A post shared by Harimao Lee (@harimaolee) on Aug 19, 2018 at 5:29 PM PDT

read : This holiday photo is disturbing on second glance, – recognize, why?

While the image of more than 15,000 people, was liked, was the other immediately, something is in the picture is true even . “First of all,” writes one. “With these bright lights in front of you, the light is reduced, you could perceive outside of the aircraft. Secondly, the fact that you (a light chain, Anm. d. Red.) on a plane is the epitome of attention heischendem behavior’ve taken that.” The light chains, there are many more Users make fun, another: “LOL writes, you took the light chains into the plane.”

Others want to have realized that Lee on the footrest seats , on your seat . So a User writes ironically: “I always take the light chains and set me on the footrest, if I’m on a business trip, right?”

read : “spicy” holiday photo: mother is ashamed of the snapshot – you will see why?

The young woman seems to be enthusiastic about light chains anywhere to carry , as is also arrived in Italy, she continues, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, with a light stole to the sea and revels. Hach.

look at the height to you in this post on Instagram

A post shared by Harimao Lee (@harimaolee) on Sep 11, 2018 at 5:06 PM PDT

interesting : friends take a photo on the beach – but something is not right here. the And : What is this woman doing in the holidays?


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