, The cold Season brings this Time, too, for many County citizens are the usual cold symptoms. Not to be at all sick, have the Doctors in a circle a few tips.

County – Out there a break, the sun appears only rarely in the face, and the snow covered the whole of the Region. The cold Season brings this Time, too, for many County citizens are the usual cold symptoms. Not to be at all sick, have the Doctors in a circle a few tips.

Whether one can speak in a circle of Freising currently a Flu epidemic? Dr. Lorenz Weigl, the head of the Freisinger Department of health reported seven cases reported. Here we must distinguish, however: There is the flu, the outer pain in the typical cold symptoms such as cough, runny nose and sore throat, and give it to the real Influenza. Against the Latter you can protect yourself best by a vaccination.

the end of February until the beginning of March, the disease

pile up “In the past year, there were at the same time, 38 reported flu cases,” says Weigl. “The season goes from October to may. At the end of February until the beginning of March, the illnesses are piling up normally again,“ explains the head of the Department of health. This year, yet so few people suffer from the flu, notes with the shaft in the previous year. “The people are attentive. In addition, the virus, the ball coming over the Northern half of the us are changing, in some years, only slightly, so that many of them are already protected against it.“ His tips for optimal protection: “The best the classics: hands of help is often enough to wash, a lot of fresh air, exercise, a healthy diet, sufficient sleep, change, shower, or a visit to the Sauna,” says Weigl.

+ Dr. Lorenz Weigl reported so far, seven reported flu cases.©ft

Also, the pharmacies to be visited in the winter months. The crowd holds, according to Silvia tulle man, the proprietor of the city pharmacy in Freising, but still in limits. “Actually, just a lot going on the past few years. Only with delivery difficulties, we have to fight since the new year.“ After tulle’s words, some of the certain antibiotics and vaccines had to still wait for, because the packaging of the drugs should be provided with new security codes.

With home remedies, you can’t go wrong

What are the means to combat the annoying cough or sniff the end of the nose the most efficient, can’t say the owner of Freisinger Stadt-Apotheke as a lump sum. “We take an individual approach to each client, weigh then how bad for example of the infection. Home remedies we recommend but in General, always. So you can’t go wrong.“

+ Dr. Georg Miedl advises, especially on cold days – too much sleep and rest.©ft

This opinion includes Dr. Georg Miedl. The doctors speakers in the Kreis Freising explains: “There is a wide range of herbs and teas that can be used before or during the winter.” The physician emphasized: “The world is getting faster and faster, the man remains the same. Therefore, one should not be eliminated, sufficient sleep and rest, especially on cold days.“

His practice is currently crisp full, the year before that, it was no comparison. “Since the four-way vaccination is covered by health insurance, has also increased the demand for it. However, Miedl clear: even Though more people were vaccinated against the flu, “we have to do much anyway.” Mia Sellmair