burgers are literally all the rage and not a few consider themselves to be real experts in the field. But even you do one thing wrong.

What you can do when eating burgers wrong, you think? A whole lot, believe it is not the “Internet police”. A significant misstep is concerned with the way you hold the Burger.

McDonald’s, Burger King or Hans im glück? No matter, flip the burgers!

If you take the Burger off your plate or out of the box and just bite into it, it’s already happened. You have made a big Burger-violation . To rotate according to the Portal Insider, “Burger experts”, the Burger on the head, and only then to eat . The power, on closer examination, to actually make sense.

is already richer and juicier the Burger, the more likely the Burgerbuns by soft. Since the lower half of the Bun is much thinner and more unstable than the upper, it is soaked faster and completely falls apart in the worst case. The result: your Burger disintegrates into its component parts .

Also interesting: Not fresh? Therefore, you get a Burger at McDonald’s just cooked through.

More flavor to the castle to eat

another intriguing reason for the “head-on” method to the castle to eat: you Bite into an upside-down Burger, her tongue only with the lining and then with the minced meat in contact with it – a clear taste advantage as Burger experts.

Try it so just.

also read: The changes, if you say in your McDonald’s order “to Take away”.


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