Since Thursday afternoon, the 17-year-old Nancy from Kleinwallstadt is in Swiss francs unaccounted for. Now the police asks for urgent instructions.

Kleinwallstadt Nancy L. completed prior to your Disappearance of an internship in a company in Kleinwallstadt. The girls left on Thursday for a lunch break and returned. Against 15 o’clock the police was informed about the Disappearance of the schoolgirl. Existing search measures were without success. Now the police asks the population to help in the search for the disappeared girl. Nancy L. is regarded as a very reliable Person.

description Nancy L.

Nancy is about 165 cm tall, has a slim, petite figure and shoulder-length brown hair with greenish shades. In the case of her Disappearance she was wearing a gray Jeans, a dark brown jacket with a fur-trimmed hood and brown shoes. In addition, she had a gray handbag. Anyone who has seen the young woman may or clues to their current whereabouts is urged to call the phone 06022/629-0 .

see also:

search with a helicopter have been unsuccessful so far – Where’s Ingeborg?

In Dachau is currently missing the 66-year-old Ingeborg. Also the search with a helicopter, has so far remained inconclusive.

Days missing: police find 13-Year-old – puzzle

In Ludwigshafen, Germany, has now discovered a Boy who had since Christmas missing. The police has solved the riddle of his mysterious Disappearance now – but questions remain.