jungle camp, 2019: Every jungle camp residents eat in the day only a Cup of rice, a Cup of beans. So dangerous is the jungle diet.

We know the scenes: A more or less prominent jungle camp residents is not standing for the jungle test, it creates but. To great disgust, to goggles in a tub of meal worms or insects Smoothie, swallow, without the nose plug, or to vomit afterwards. If the Failed despondently back to the Camp trottet, the Theater is great. The other more or less prominent residents of rum grumble. Because no stars means no inserts to the 70 grams of beans, and 70 grams of rice, each of which must of the day just to eat.

And that, in turn, means that The stomach growls, the irritable mood is still irritated. These scenes we will experience the jungle camp, 2019. And again, a lot of RTL issues-audience, how healthy is the so-called jungle diet is a little rice and beans. Perhaps this radical fasting is something that you should imitate, in order to lose a bit of weight?

(also read about the jungle camp, 2019: candidate for “I’m a celebrity – Get me out of here!”)

the jungle diet is weight down, but is dangerous

is Correct, that the jungle camp inhabitants beans their bodies with the extremely one-sided, low-fat diet of a little rice, a little, and still smaller amounts of insects and offal, only a low amount of calories. An Estimated 400 Calories. Actually, a person should take during a diet, never less than 800 calories a day, says the Munich-based diet physician Hans Hauner. If the RTL-classified candidate as a healthy and fit, should you survive the two weeks on the jungle diet. It was clear, however, that the combination of Hunger, heat and the humid air in the jungle camp stresses the body. The performance could suffer, the RTL candidate weaken. Whether the diet also has a psychologically negative, depends on each Individual, says Hauner. Some, he predicts will come to terms with the Hunger, and other sensitive, react aggressively.

This graph shows the calorie difference

+ this number shows what is holding in the jungle diet.©https://www.meinbauch.net/dschungeldiaet/

(source of the graphic: https://www.meinbauch.net/dschungeldiaet/)

nutritionists, Berthold Koletzko, of the Department of metabolism and nutrition at the Hauner redirects’s hospital in Munich, confirms that the jungle diet can lead to weight loss. Viewers will recall, for example, Iris Klein, Daniela cat Berger’s mother, who will then have ten kilograms removed. The weight loss effect, however, is “not sustainable,” says Koletzko. “Because of the return to the usual diet, the weight loss will be made up most rapidly.” Most of the people that have set your body on a strict diet, know the hated yo-yo effect.

(also read about the jungle camp, 2019: reporters reveal secret Tricks of RTL)

the jungle camp of 2019: This is what happens if “celebrities” after the jungle diet, a feast in the Hotel to order

“celebrities” who don’t get the audience votes and, therefore, fly out, return embittered to the Hotel. Reward yourself for the rigors with high-calorie food. For example, meat with greasy side dishes like French fries, and afterwards they devour a fat dessert. So something can’t be healthy? Nutritionists Koletzko confirmed that: “The emerging ‘Refeeding syndrome’ can trigger within the body strong shifts of fluids and salts, and in the case of severe muscle weakness, cramps and heart rhythm disorders, in rare cases, it can even lead to death.” He advises, therefore, that “after a period of strict under-nutrition of the food establishment only gradually and gradual”.
