Four weeks was missing an 18-year-old Giessen in Egypt. Now, there is a turn in the case. Family, friends, and supporters are relieved.

Missing Giessen students landed in Frankfurt

Update 14. January 2018, 9.38 PM : As the Giessen General* online reports, the, in Egypt, missing the Giessen students in Germany. The 18-Year-old was landed, therefore, in Frankfurt. His father had made on Sunday on the way to Egypt to search for his son.

The Egyptian authorities have denied for a long time that the 18-Year-old was in the country. Only last Thursday had confirmed to the Foreign office, that the missing 18-year-old from Giessen, was in the custody of the local authorities.

Missing Giessen in Egypt – Ministry of foreign Affairs father: arrest is confirmed, due to suspicion of terror

casting Now, the bad fears to the family of the in Egypt of a missing 18-year-old Isa from casting seem to be true, such as the Gießener Allgemeine Zeitung* confirmed: “The Foreign office has informed me, my son was arrested in Luxor because of terrorist suspicion,” says the father of the student, compared to the Giessen Allgemeine newspaper. the He had been picked up in a passport control. His conjecture: The arrest by the Egyptian authorities was to apparatus a “revenge” of the Power, because he – the father – is advocating for human rights and against the government in place. Contact his son, he did not continue.

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foreign office confirmed: Hesse because of terrorist suspicion in Egypt arrested

on Wednesday, a spokeswoman for the foreign office had confirmed that the German Embassy in Cairo was “in close contact” with Egyptian authorities. You try with emphasis, “to establish the fate” of the young man.

To the arrest in Egypt: family pouring in in great concern

As this newspaper reported back in December, flew Isa from Frankfurt to Luxor, wanted to travel onwards from there to Cairo, to visit there – so the appearance of the father – his sick grandfather. the However, in the capital of Egypt was the 18-Year-old never. “Maybe the trip was the route for the authorities to be suspicious, because my son is not flown directly to Cairo”, speculated the father at the time, in the face of this newspaper. The detour via Luxor have selected the student, but simply out of cost. Also a name confusion he thought was conceivable.

The family in molding is in great concern: “I fear that my son will eventually just shot, I never see him again,” says ISA’s father.

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father is turning in a Petition to the foreign Minister Heiko Maas

In a Petition, had contacted the father of the student pour out the last directly to foreign Minister Heiko Maas and the Foreign office. “The concern for our son, Isa eats away at me and my wife,” writes the father on the platform There he has initiated the Petition. Within a short period of time, they had signed just under 45,000 people.

Florian Dörr