Big shock for a young family with a small child: your VW Passat collided in an accident with a runaway horse, and was completely depressed.

Bissendorf / Osnabrück – A young family experienced on Sunday evening, a big shock, and simultaneously had huge luck. Your VW Passat collided in bite village in the district of Osnabrück, with a runaway horse. The car was suppressed completely, the occupants only slightly injured. The animal had to be put out of his misery, as* reported. (Car resting under a Lorry: driver after the accident, died instantly, the rescue lane is to the great Annoyance)

VW Passat collided near Osnabrück with entlaufenem horse – a young family has a great deal of happiness

+ The young family was injured in the collision with the horse slightly, VW Passat, however, strongly deformed. The animal had to be euthanized.©Nonstop news

At 18.45 at the young parents were on a Sunday evening with your toddler in bite village in the district of Osnabrück, on-the-go. According to “nonstop news” collided your VW Passat suddenly, with a horse and was deformed completely, the roof almost to the height of the bonnet is pushed in. (Customs will open the trunk of the car in Oldenburg . See what officials then takes you to the language)

The occupants were injured in the accident, only slightly, and were able to leave the car independently. A short time before the horse had run away with two other animals from a pasture. It was so severely injured that it had to be put to sleep by a veterinarian. The other two animals remained more on the run. (The police of the Smart control: Suddenly the driver steps on the Gas with disastrous consequences)

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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