airlines to think again about it: standing places in the plane. A family has to make a similar trip already – unintentionally.

Who is flying on holiday together who want to sit in a plane next to each other. That is why a British family was also happy, as you could get for the return flight from Menorca three seats next to each other. But on the plane, then the shock. The slots 41 D, E and F were not easy to find.

family in need during the flight on the ground

As the British News site The Telegraph reported, sitting there was the seats. Because the airline TUI Airlines had to change plane. The machine, however, had a different Seating arrangement, and the courses in the family there was not .

While the daughter was allowed to take the last free seat on the plane, had to the parents on the folding Crew seats and take a seat. the could not, However, sit there for a long time. As the Crew wanted to serve the food, had to vacate both the British courts and were asked to sit on the floor. Later the daughter sat down to their parents.

also read: “I know how to kill someone”: To dramatically Stewardess against passenger.

airline apologizes and offers compensation to

Back in England, the mother in the TUI by letter. Allegedly, the airline replied that she knew of the incident, nothing, and offered in compensation just 33,70 Euro . Dissatisfied with the response, they turned to the British TV programme “Rip Off Britain”. There frustrated customers can complain about alleged cases of fraud.

In the show, the woman said that the Co-Pilot had thanked us after landing in the family for their quiet nature and good cooperation. the is the Only way the plane could have taken off in a timely manner . The woman herself found the flight on the ground at all pleasant. It was hard, uncomfortable and dirty. This experience would not again.

her appearance in “Rip Off Britain” paid off apparently. So TUI should have a higher compensation offered. the Instead of 33,70 Euro to get the family 1.460 Euro . In addition, the airline would investigate the incident and have apologised to the family, as The Telegraph reported.

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Airlines & flight attendants