A traffic control in Oldenburg, a terrifying brought in the end result: The police stopped a Ford Focus. In addition to the driver, officers made a shocking discovery.

Oldenburg – at 2.16 ppm were stopped by the police at a road check on Tuesday, a 46-year-old man in Oldenburg. In the passenger seat of his Ford Focus, his four-year-old son sat in the seat without children. The Drunk had to go to the station, the mother of the child picked up at the location of the control, such as nordbuzz.de* reported. (Customs will open the trunk of the car – What officials see, takes you to the language)

Oldenburg: the police controlled Ford Focus and driver bad discovery

As reported by the police, was struck by the Ford Focus of the 46-Year-old from Oldenburg, two officials at 17.20, as he turned off from the Dwaschweg coming in the Bümmersteder Tredde and to about 80 km/h accelerated. The police officers decided to check the vehicle and the driver in a traffic stop and took up the chase. At the height of the Diana road they stopped the car.

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controlled Drunk man in Oldenburg: Police discovered a child without a child seat

When the officers at the traffic control strong smell of alcohol heard, the 46-Year – old an alcohol test with the result of 2.16 ppm. On the front passenger seat of the Ford Focus of four-year-old son of the drunk man from Oldenburg sat, without child seat and with the seat belt buckled.

+ The transport control of a Ford Focus brought in Oldenburg, it is a frightening result: The drunk driver had to 2.16 per thousand, and his four-year-old son in the passenger seat.©picture alliance / dpa (icon image)

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Oldenburg: traffic control Ford Focus: Unclear whether Drunk valid driver’s license owns

contacted the child’s mother picked up the boy at the location of the traffic control in Oldenburg, Germany. The 46-Year-old had to accompany the officers to the station and a blood sample. The Drunk had no papers with him, so that still needs to be clarified, whether he has a valid driver’s license. Investigations against the man are recorded.

*nordbuzz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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