in order for motorists in the Winter is progressing, the Winter plowing service. But what if you want to overtake the snow plow? Is that even allowed?

The Winter, especially the South of Germany firmly in its grip. Masses of snow ahead make it difficult to come out on the streets. Fortunately, there are numerous Winter clearing of snow and ice to provide free travel. But how to behave behind-the-clearance vehicles and drivers are allowed to overtake you? We will reveal it to you.

it Is to overtake allows Snowplows?

Some motorists lose in the Winter clearance vehicles, the patience and overtake the winter service. the Allowed to do that? Yes. There is no provision in Germany, which prescribes, behind a snow plow. Who attaches to Overtake, but should exercise caution. To recommend the Overtaking is not.

also read: car care in the Winter – These five tips to protect against SalzfraƟ and rust.

ADAC warns of Overtaking clearance vehicles

from The ADAC advises urgently to overtake stray vehicles. The reason is understandable: in Front of the exact replica of large amounts of snow, or the road covered in ice . On highways also needs to be taken to ensure that the vehicles are mostly mixed. The first snow plow is driving on the fast Lane, the following consequences in the short distance.

from the time the Overtaking clearance vehicle is not worth it tools really. Although you can drive in the short term, a little faster than this, but on the snowy road you have to drive on the long run, again slower.

Learn here , what are the fines in the Winter.

what you should item when Driving behind clearance vehicles pay attention

Keep behind a clean and cluster the vehicle there is sufficient distance. In order to prevent that your car is sprayed by salt and snow. Otherwise, it could pollute the windshield.

If you have to drive behind a snow plow and then turn, you should be careful. the It may have on the adjacent lane, a small snow wall is formed. , The ADAC advises in this case To you at an obtuse angle to this Wall. This is to ensure that as few wheels have to drive through the deep snow.

meet Comes a snow plow, be sure to leave enough space. Many motorists underestimate the width of the snow shovel.

No entitlement to free roads

The ADAC also noted that motorists have no legal claim to free roads. Motorists have to adjust always the weather conditions and road conditions . Note: Already with two, three degrees can be roads dangerously slippery. This is true especially in the forest sections, and on bridges.

Also interesting: wash your car in Winter you should pay attention to.


So your car stays in the Winter fit