old-age poverty is currently one of the dominant themes in the society. More and more workers are afraid. The officials, however, are quite different.

“old age poverty” – for many Germans, this is probably the misnomer of 2018. In the media, on talk shows, but also in the politics of this for a lot of workers so scary term has been overused in Excess. Also, the fact that the average pensions of all statutory pensioner 2017 were approximately 876 Euro, makes little courage.

officials get twice as much pension as ordinary workers, says study

A new study by the Federal labour Ministry and the German pension insurance, the concern, in age with empty hands, but also resentment stoking. Your result: officials get a lot more retirement than normal retirees and Insured in the state pension.

And the differences in the age implications are serious: for example, officials have the 2016 were between 40 and 44 years old , in the old länder, a average Supply of more than 1,200 Euro ! Female colleagues come after all, at about 1,000 euros per month.

Statutory pension insured persons between 40 and 44 years against can expect at the age of only 520 Euro pension. Women are, however, entitled to a Pension of just 480 euros.

Learn here : Shocking study: Over half of the German there is in old age with empty hands.

These amounts are paid only if workers more than 20 years, pays in the (statutory) pension insurance . This means that, subject to pension insurance men in the middle age later in the section about 43% less retirement benefits than their peers officials . Employees age 55 to 59 years old have at least collects a Pension from 730 to 1,000 euros. But here, too, the same age officials have the nose in front – you can be excited about the Double, 2.120 up to 2,200 Euro.

Huge difference in the case of old Age pensions in the civil servants ‘ pension scheme

In East Germany, is expected to be, the difference is even starker , so the result of the study. In the new länder, male civil servants can expect between the ages of 55 and 59 years of age, 2,500 euros, while the social workers insured have 952 Euro Pension. In addition, the study has found that only a socially higher-ranking individuals receive groups such as lawyers, Doctors or engineers in a similar high pensions as civil servants .

interesting : With this Trick you get to retire early and rake in the cash.

The Interesting thing about the study: The study’s authors come to the conclusion that this discrepancy was justified – after all, the composition of the statutory pension and the civil servants ‘ pension scheme is completely different. While in the former, of three main pillars: state pension, occupational pension and private pension, operating the pensions for the civil servants ‘ pension scheme included . However, since not all of the statutory pension, occupational pension insured person have, these are solely reliant on the state pension.

another reason for the higher pensions of officials is the fact that you have your service Mr special Allegiance to, ergo, for example, is a strike. This work bids are later reimbursed, in turn, with a higher supply .

read toil : Up to 70 years? The calls for an expert – otherwise, the pension is threatened with collapse.
