you Have treated a flight attendant ever condescending? Severe Errors. And simply wrong, as a flight attendant is impressively described.

There are some things you should say to a flight attendant to never. For example, that it is “just a flight attendant”. Because the Job requires a lot of skills, patience and vision.

Nevertheless, it is often the case that flight attendants passengers also have this problem, or in your Position disrespectful to be treated. So in this example, A passenger said to a member of the Crew, she was “just a flight attendant” – and thus provoking a large response from the Stewardess, who was then in the power of the big, round.

Stewardess counters with a disrespectful passenger

The Online magazine Forbes has reported on a Facebook post of a flight attendant, which made your Anger at a disrespectful passenger air. She wrote in it the following:

“dear passenger in 5A, yesterday, as I was not in front of the machine, because the pilot came from the Cockpit, you have told me that I am only a flight attendant’. I had some time to think about it and have decided to inform you about some facts of this flight attendant.”

read : An Airline was again voted as the worst in the world – for the sixth year in a row.

Then the woman’s correct:

“Let us first of all, my workouts and my requirements for this Job analyze. I know how to fight fire, while 10,000 metres in the air; I can tank, carry out a CPR, First aid, until the Onset of the Infusion. I know how to identify weapons, know how to recognize bombs and then to a place on the plane, where hopefully the least damage occurs when you go high. I am experienced in basic survival skills on Land and in the water; I know how to disarm people; I know how to kill someone actually, if need be; how to prepare a plane for an emergency landing, so that everyone on Board has opportunities of the best to Survive, and how to evacuate the aircraft in less than 60 seconds.”

flight attendant has not> enough yet told . She writes further: “While I’m always smiling, I was taught how to deal with people from many different cultures, people who are upset, and people who are downright rude. I have received an excellent education for all of these things and have to make every year a refresher training and new skills.”

read : “no one likes an unsightly crew”: Airline, forcing the Crew to Remove.

Crass experience: The experienced, the flight attendant already

the flight attendant a , what is the experience you made in your Job already:

“I have held the Hand of a grieving mother, who flew across the country to start your 21-year-old son to bury. I have given my private clothing of a passenger who had passed, even though I had nothing else to wear. […] I have held babies while their parents went to the toilet. I was yelled at because someone didn’t get exactly the food that he wanted. I have prepared a plane for an emergency landing and while they were arguing with me about it, you don’t want to turn off your Computer, I hoped that I would see my children again. I stood with tears in his eyes in the door of an aircraft while the Remains of U.S. soldiers were lowered into a coffin with a flag. I had the honor to fly with U.S. forces in foreign areas of operation. I missed the Christmas day with my family, so they could get to their family. My work schedule changes constantly, and sometimes I get five to six days without proper sleep.”

read : Must be the in an airplane? Passenger is filmed in bizarre action.

in Addition, you have the events of September 11. September, with horror observed. You’ve been afraid to return to work, but I assured her child that she would come home. “I seen a man die, because the heart-lung-Massage not hit,” she writes.

Finally, the flight attendant :

“you should know that I love my Job, and I decided. summarizes I have a University degree, am a mother, grandmother, friend, person. When you look at me so the next Time, and think: ‘Only a flight attendant’: I hope you remember, who trained and is ready to liberate you from a downed aircraft, to protect them from kidnappers, if necessary, resuscitation measures, and – in the simplest part of my job to serve you food and drinks.”

interesting : fly with your dog: What should I be aware of?


Airlines & flight attendants