The AfD was declared by the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) to the “test case”. In contrast, Alexander Gauland legally, in order to proceed. Meanwhile, the criticism comes from the moderate ranks of the party.

Update from 17. January, 8.08 PM:

According to the classification of the AfD as a test case of the constitutional protection of criticism of the right wing of the youth organisation Junge Alternative (JA) come from the moderate part of the party. “I very much hope that in the “wings” and a self-cleaning process, and it is not possible to remove all constitutional ideas from the pronouncements,” said the member of the Bundestag, Uwe Witt, the newspaper “die Welt” (Friday). Witt is one of the speakers of the “Alternative center”, which is understood as the flow of the Moderates in the AfD. In his view, the right wing and the youth organization must first disconnect YES “certain people”.

in the opinion of Jens Wilharm, lower Saxony, spokesman for the Alternative center, are the “wings” and the threatening YES “to the existence of the danger for the whole party”. He had “little hope that the top committees of our party are willing or able to separate themselves from the “wings” and YES,” – quoted him as saying the “world”.

The protection of the Constitution had declared the AfD on Tuesday, as a Whole, to the test case and takes it more under the microscope. Yet take a closer look to the domestic intelligence service at the national “wings” and the boys Alternative: These have been declared to be a suspected case.

Deputy YES-chair Nicolai Boudaghi said the “world”, he will explain “with a high number of additional members” in the next few days to his exit from the youth organization. “The youth organization is not a fire hazard for the AfD.” There are “too many people in the YES, the cross the line of what is democratically”.

the protection of the Constitution classifies AfD as a “test case” – so the other parties

Update: October 16, respond. January 2019, 8.59 PM: the decision of The Federal constitutional protection, to take the AfD under the microscope, in the case of all other parties, with great approval. The Deputy Chairman of Bundestag Thomas Oppermann called it “overdue, that the constitutional protection observed the interaction of AfD and neo-Nazis”. The AfD have radicalized without a doubt, in recent months,” said the SPD politician of the “world”. Bavaria’s interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) welcomed the decision of the constitutional protection as a “plausible and comprehensible”. “You must now be rigorously implemented,” said the editorial network Germany (Wednesday).

the protection of the Constitution classifies AfD as a “test case” – Seehofer decision defended with pithy words

Update 17.49 at: the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU) has defended the classification of the AfD as a test case for the protection of the Constitution. “The rule of law has to do the legally required,” he said on Tuesday after a meeting of the Union group in Berlin. The fear that the AfD could be characterized as a victim, the games at such a step, not a role. The AfD is now seen as a test case, calling the Minister an “appropriate response”. He stressed that it was a political decision.

Update 15.58 PM: The AfD-Chairman Alexander Gauland has announced a legal defense against the classification as a test case by the protection of the Constitution. The AfD think that this decision of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) is wrong, said Gauland on Tuesday in Berlin. “We will act against this decision legally.” The party did this already check.

The arguments of the BfV for the decision were not “continuously sustainable”, added the AfD Chairman. The AfD group Chairman Gauland made a “social climate” and “political pressure” for the decision of the constitutional protection.

FDP-Chef Christian Lindner has warned the German parties about to offers on the possible observation of the AfD by the protection of the Constitution. “It must not give the impression that the parties to rid themselves of a troublesome competition on the basis of the security authorities,” said Lindner in Berlin on Tuesday.

The political debate with the AfD should the content take place. So, for example, the pension concept of the party should be criticized, or efforts to change the European Union. He trusted but the assessment of the security authorities. “I am against any victim, and the cult of Martyrs in the AfD”, he said to the handling of the AfD with the debate.

the protection of the Constitution AfD ranks nationally as a “test case” – wing to Björn Höcke, especially in the visor

Berlin – The protection of the Constitution, the AfD classifies as a test case. How the German press Agency learned on Tuesday, explained the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) the right to national “wing” of the party in the Thuringian AfD-land-in-chief Björn Höcke and the party’s youth organization Young Alternative” to the suspected case. Previously, the daily mirror reported.

In a test case, an observation V is not allowed to people or other intelligence means. An organization is explained in contrast to the case of suspicion, so this is – even if only to a very limited extent – possible. For example, is then permitted an Observation, as well as the Obtaining of certain information from public authorities. So-called V-people and the interception of telecommunications but may also be used.

Further News to the AfD: AfD-politician Magnitz called the attack an “assassination attempt” – Dunja Hayali reports to word
