it was an unusual use of the police called in Marktoberdorf. The officials had to settle a dispute over the use of a car.

market upper village – A relationship dispute about the driving a car has escalated in the Ostallgäu in such a way that the police had to intervene. As the officials announced on Wednesday in Marktoberdorf, wanted to ban the previous day a man and his partner the use of his car. The woman had caused in recent time multiple traffic accidents with their own car.

man not want a woman driving his car police used

Now, the man would not back out of his car, it came to a fight. For help the man turned to the police, to which the official intervention-solving manner. Whether the woman was in the end to the tax, was not revealed.

In Buchloe, a man attacked a car driver was just Parking. At once he hit on you and bespuckte you.


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