Beatrice Egli is an indispensable part of the German Schlager-Brance. Now it occurs soon in a RTL-Soap.

Update, 13. December 12.55 PM: just a few days ago pop singer Beatrice Egli came with her appearance in the ARD-broadcast “Understand fun” in the headlines, now your Fans are already on the next TV appearance of the blonde offers. Soon, the 30-Year-old will be seen in a daily German Soap! In the RTL TV-series “Friends – only” will play Egli itself, at a concert event in Essen Club.

The four main roles of the series, the four “Friends”, will smuggle in the result after the concert of the singer in the Backstage area, and together with the former American idol Participant on the after-show party to celebrate. Fans of Beatrice Egli have to wait still a little, the result is expected to be only at the 22. February on the screens flicker.

Beatrice Egli soon a moderator of own TV-show

however, This is not the only one RTL-the pretty blonde. Next year, Egli, the new TV-Romance “hit addiction moderate love” on RTL. In the new shipment of singers want to see the inside and the singer is the great love, accompanied by Beatrice Egli. Although the shooting already in the summer of 2018 started, those interested can apply Singles still at RTL.

+ Beatrice Egli will be Friends soon as a guest in the RTL-Soap “right Now”. ©MG RTL D / Dennis Alexander Hundt

another German Superstar had his great appearance in a German Soap already, a few days ago. The singer has appeared in the cult Format “Good times bad times”.

Beatrice Egli about your water baptism, when “Understand fun”

Update 8. December 21.11 PM: Beatrice Egli can laugh about themselves. They showed, at the latest, to the appearance of your Clips, “do you Understand fun?”. During the Clip of the delivery, was displayed the pop star laughing heartily to see.

Beatrice Egli to jump in the lake: “I was scared, too.”

After the Clip Egli was serious. As a presenter Guido Cantz of her wanted to know how important Styling is for you. He played so well that she had undressed in front of the save jumping into the water your shoes.

“I haven’t pulled out the shoes because of the shoes,” said Egli. After all, anyone who understand a little bit what it does not know that you go to the Save with shoes into the water. They added: “This was not only funny. I was scared, too.“

plays But a short time later, again with the usual honest hearty Laugh on their lips.

Beatrice Egli: Top transparent

Original article, 6 is”Understand fun?”. December

realization number 1: Beatrice Eglis favorite curse word is “shit.”

realization number 2: she is not afraid to help other people.

finding number 3: The Swiss stays reasonably cool and pleasant, if their evil is played.

All that you can imagine from the Pre-Material to shipment “do you Understand fun?” on Saturday (8. December 2018) has been published. In the by Guido Cantz (47) moderated the Show namely Beatrice Egli (30) played a prank. Under amicable and inwardly grinning by Using the celebrity decoy Isabel Varell (57).

+ Isabel Varell (57, left) has held the Job as a decoy.©SWR / Kimmig Entertainment

The Swiss to jointly control with Varell for a TV recording of a rowing boat. Although Egli has never done it before. “I’m really a bit of a blonde” so the blonde.

Stupid comments from Varell, there are free: “rudder, rudder easy! You want to have a rudder in the water, Beatrice, you do not have the right to make into the water, otherwise we move” or “If you want to go to the right, you must row on the left”, smart craps, the.

And then it happens! Varell falls into the water. Woman overboard!

+ Isabel Varell goes overboard.©SWR / Kimmig Entertainment

Beatrice Egli jumps into the water to help

“shit!” escape Egli. “Shit!” Varell seems to be seriously in Need. As Egli did not hesitate for one second. But Yes, you will find still the time to take off their shoes – maybe their favorite sneaker, jumps after it, and helps her to the shore, where the Team with a rescue ring waiting.

YouTube-cut looks a little, may be the in its full length is a bit different, but this is only to see on Saturday in the ARD.

The TV crew helps the two involuntary mermaids on the web. The are completely soaked. And what is the first word that comes to Egli? Correct: “Shit!”

Beatrice Egli: Shirt is not opaque joke about your bust size

on the Top rumzupft, falls on her a little. “My T-Shirt is a bit see-through.” Varells lapidarer comment: “Can you show have wood in front of the Hütt’n is really nice.”

+ Beatrice Egli (l) and Isabel Varell after the double bath.©SWR / Kimmig Entertainment

Egli laughs, but it makes a good face on a bad game. On the interjection of “your super look” of a team member, you will be looking bedröppelt: “Super something else.” A sailing trip is funny, a shipping, the is beautiful? Not so for perch.

Fans of Beatrice Egli is not expected to in any case turn on Saturday, when you only get a minute and a half neck to see, but the whole water Drama.

on Monday, there was a bit of a lot of Beatrice Egli to see – because under her was not at the concert in Munich a dress mishap. And on the first Song!

Volunteer naked people, however, are a quirky TV Format and candidates are geprasselt now “Wow”Sounds from the mouth.

Ab 18! The recast of the forbidden scandal movie runs, surprisingly, in the case of Netflix and the uncut.

ARD-Show‘s unusually dingy and pretty Nena-daughter makes for a spectator-Trouble
