again and again there are discussions about a nationwide speed limit. Now wants to use the Church for a speed of 130, but not immediately.

“Free ride for free citizens!”: It was said during protests in the 1970s, when due to the oil crisis as a test on a German car, a speed limit of 100 km/h and was set up. The campaign of the ADAC against the restriction at the time had success and it was introduced a speed limit of 130 km/h.

Church starts Petition for a speed of 130 km on the German highways

For several years, according to the call for a nationwide speed limit on German motorways – maximum allowed speed: 130 km/h . Now, the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM), a mix and want to make the Slogan “Free ride for free citizens!” to the test. The Church is planning a Petition for a General speed limit of 130 km/h on the motorways in the German Bundestag to submit.

Start of the Petition, the beginning of lent at 6. March 2019. Within four weeks, 50.000 signatures will be collected , in order to achieve a public hearing in the Committee on petitions.

also read: New shock-Video is to deter motorists from the lawn.

With these arguments, the EKM for Tempo 130

The EKM calls but for religious reasons a speed limit of 130 km/h, but cares for the environment and traffic safety . The Church see this as an immediately implementable and cost-effective contribution to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve the climate objective of the government.

A speed limit would also lead to less congestion, there’s a provide a more uniform flow of traffic . In addition, can be saved in the construction of highways and their maintenance costs. Another side effect is that A speed limit would reduce noise and tyre wear.

The main Argument of the EKM for a speed limit of 130 km/h, the increased level of transport safety . The Church believes that as a result, the number of accidents and of traffic fatalities is declining. Alone in the year 2017 1.077 people are due to excessive speed killed.

Also interesting: in 2018, there were more deaths on the road – a group particularly at risk.


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