police-a large-scale operation at a clinic in Deggendorf: There it is came on Friday to a hostage situation. We report in the news Ticker.

In a psychiatric clinic in Deggendorf it came first to the findings on Friday to a hostage situation. It is a large-scale operation of the police. Apparently a Patient had a Patient in his violence. In the afternoon, the police were able to overpower the offender.


18.27 PM: Whether the offender and the victim knew each other, could not tell police spokesman Stefan Gaisbauer on Friday afternoon. Thus, the motive of the hostage-taker remains unclear.

the taking of hostages in Deggendorf: man threatened people with bread knives

16.37 PM: Reuters reported: The hostage-takers, himself a Patient in the district hospital, had initially threatened with two bread knives several people, and then the woman in his violence. To the subject of the 40-Year-old the police could do. He had made no demands. It was also unclear whether it was for the woman to be a random victim.

The application was in the entrance area of the hospital. The police was there with several dozen officials in the use of numerous vehicles from police and emergency services parked in front of the building.

At the request of the public Prosecutor’s office in Deggendorf is issued against the Austrians still in the afternoon a placement command. He was transferred to another hospital. On Saturday, he will be an investigating judge.

16.13 at: The hostage is, according to the police, considering the circumstances, reports pnp.de.

15: 28: According to pnp.de the hostage-taker comes from Austria. He’ll currently moved to a different hospital and is to be presented on Saturday to the investigating judge.

14.54 at: , The police has overwhelmed the hostage-taker in Deggendorf and arrested. The dpa reported. According to information from the German press Agency, the 40-year-old man was injured on Friday. The 57-year-old hostage has remained intact. The Patient to the district hospital Mainkofen had taken the woman in the hospital according to the police, with a knife in his violence. Previously, he had threatened with two knives, several people.

14.50: According to the police, no other persons are in danger. The pnp.de reported. On site, numerous police units, including the SEC.

14.27 at: According to pnp.de the hostage-taker, a 40-year-old Patient who has threatened a fellow Patient (57) with a knife. The Station was cleared as a result. The police is in close contact to the offender.

the taking of hostages in Deggendorf – SEC-use

first message 14 PM: Deggendorf is A Patient in the district hospital Mainkofen in Deggendorf, a hostage of his violence. According to information from the German press Agency it is a patient. The police negotiations with the hostage-taker. The officials are a special operations command. Backgrounds and Details are still unclear.

pnp.de wants to have found out that it is a hostage situation at the Station, B6, and according to the district hospital Mainkofen “protective run recording station for the mentally Ill”.


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