, The former Minister of family Affairs Kristina Schröder calls in a commentary that the political center of Germany long had their language in the face of the murders of refugees.

Susanne F., Mia Kandel, Maria from Freiburg or Mireille from Flensburg – when in Germany, a murder is done by a refugee, it doesn’t take long until right-wing groups, the tragic events exploit. In a guest commentary in welt.de the former Minister of family Affairs Kristina Schröder condemns this approach. But it also refers to those who say, after initial dismay, nothing at all more.

In the political center of rule over such “isolated cases” of speech, and must change, calls for Schröder. It should be the first concern of many commentators, a murder by a refugee could be politically instrumentalised, criticizes you. Therefore, even sympathy would be statements with the reminder, the case now but please not “politically abusing”. “Above all, I see empathy, disrespect for the family of the victim, and an absurd thought ban, to pull out a dramatic Events, also political consequences,” writes the 41-Year-old welt.de.

murders by refugees: Schroeder sees no in-depth study

In the Silence of the political center on the topic of refugee violence looks Schröder also, there is no in-depth study of the cultural challenge of immigration. “Not all, but many Muslims’ Beliefs, the only difficult or impossible in our liberal-democratic basic order”, writes Schröder in your guest comment. Specifically, it assumes Beliefs about the relationship between the state and Religion, Religion and law, men and women.

“deal with it, to integrate and to convince – of course it is! direct-to, the other consistently in the country, which will occupy us in the next few years,“ predicts the former Minister of family Affairs. In your opinion, is this a cultural challenge 2015 has been underestimated. The crucial question, according to Schroeder: “we Can live in the future on the Basis of our values together peacefully?”

Kristina schröder’s appeal is not only addressed to politicians

the extent of the challenge would show the murders of Susanna, Mia, and others, as well as the male over-representation of Refugees in the crime statistics of crimes against life, with grievous bodily harm and rape, explained Schröder. This challenge will be able to tackle Germany only, when the political center overcomes their lack of a voice.

Schröder warned not only politicians. Also a migration researcher and feminist women, the 41-Year-old in the duty to be unbiased and differentiated with the refugee issues. They criticized especially the feminists, which, according to Cologne’s new year’s eve night under the “#exception” in your opinion, hopelessly naive call is initiated, the “wanted to prohibit any discourse on the connection between Islam and violence”.

“the Initiative of the secular Islam” as a positive example

hope Kristina Schröder, in the voices of Ali Ertan Toprak, Chairman of the Association of the Kurdish community in Germany, Seyran Ates, co-founder of the liberal Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-mosque in Berlin, and Ahmad Mansour, son of Arab Israelis the deals intensively with the topic of violence and Islam. They had founded a few months ago, the “Initiative of secular Islam,” writes Schroeder. So you want to counteract the help, “the concerns of non-Muslim communities, namely through the development of an Islam with human rights fully compatible”. In this urgently needed debate we should engage non-Muslims to us, calls for Schröder at the end of your comment.

Although Kristina Schröder spoke accused the political center-lessness, Angela Merkel, as you mentioned in a ZDF programme on rape by refugees, quite an answer.