The recent Report of the automotive industry shows: Still, the concerns are significant, an electric car purchase. The prices for used cars have risen in 2018, according to a decrease in the previous year.

Berlin (dpa) – The low range is from the customer’s point of view, the main reason when buying a new car against an electric car. 60 percent of new car buyers in Germany, said this in an interview for the Deutsche Automobil Treuhand (DAT). 52 percent cited the high cost of acquisition.

DAT is a company in the automotive industry. The market observers presented their annual Report on the Used – and new-car purchase, as well as the workshop business in Berlin on Thursday.

On the question of which engine type you preferred, if there is no pure gas any more, decided about two-thirds of New – and used-car buyers for hybrid vehicles, i.e. cars with two different drive types. For an electric car a third.

the expenditure of The buyer is increased by 2018 for both new cars as the Used. The average purchase price for new cars was according to the DAT Report, 31.130 € 780 Euro more than in the previous year. The prices actually paid for used cars climbed by an average of 530 euros to 11.780 euros. In 2017, the cars were dropped prices to 180 euros.

DAT Report shows significant differences depending on the trading venue. On the private market, on average, 7730 Euro were paid, in the case of free traders 7890 Euro and at brand dealers 15.610 Euro.

About half (51 percent) of new car buyers and a quarter (25 percent) of the used car buyer decide according to its own information, for the brand that you have previously driven.

For the DAT-Report of 2019 respondents of purchase, the market research Institute GfK 3943 individuals to the car and to your point of view on the workshops.

DAT-Report 2019