Eching takes the black buildings in the municipal area under the magnifying glass. Also fences, and beehives in sight.

Eching – The black buildings in the municipality Eching, it should go permanently to the collar. For years, the municipality and the municipal Council of the sometimes confusing situation of trying to be Mr. To this end, he created a list of non-approved buildings, and in July of 2018, the district office for information and Review handed out. Georg Wendlinger, head of the Department of Building at the district office, has explained to the parish councils in the session the state of play.

First, it is to consider, “what are the things to be disposed of,” said Wendlinger. Above all, it is a matter of Leisure chalets, greenhouses and caravans that were illegally built. The aim was, of course, the removal of all illegal buildings (“A uniform approach is important”), at the same time, there is “some pitfalls”.

So it is, for example, “in the case of buildings that have been built more than 20 years ago, so easy”. Here it is so that, normally, a disposal arrangement will be adopted, however, an “assurance arrangement to structural deterioration is given”. To achieve a complete elimination, is impossible for several reasons, explained the head of Department. For example, a bee could get a breeding subsequently a building permit.

“We believe that we have already achieved a number of successes,” said Wendlinger. “At least we have raised the people’s awareness that they are under surveillance and no longer can afford.”

on The subject of beekeeping hooked George Brummer. “On several plots of land you can see bee-houses are,” said the CSU Council. “And in addition, the garden houses with doors.” It is quite allowed, that to a bee hive, a spin room and a toilet would be grown, said Wendlinger. “The approval is associated with the duration of use.” On Brummers question of whether this will also be reviewed, said Wendlinger: “This is every one to two years to re-template and controlled.”

Brummer also criticized another construction, “with a fence that no one can look into the plot, and a garden gate from five to three metres”. And he asked: “The restlessness in the people, why is it so tolerated?” Vice-mayor Manfred Lex (CSU) added that the Maypole hut stand at the Eicherloher road: “Because the foundations have been poured, and the hut on it.” Wendlinger promised that the district office will take care of it.

Richard Döllel (SPD) spoke of a case in which it comes to solid fences in the open country, at a horse farm in the direction of Eicherloh. “Fences in open terrain are generally prohibited,” said Wendlinger. “The only privileged farmers, and the fences need to be sockellos.” In Döllel the aforementioned case, could it be that “the Department of agriculture has granted contrary to the opinion of the district administrator’s office a permit”. The Department head said that he would also follow up here once again.

Ultimately, the particular Builder in the bring is to blame, Wendlinger finally, in the municipal Council: “the building stands for more than 20 years, and nothing has changed to prove. Otherwise, the building must be eliminated.“