the reality of The lion in the year of 2019 is 3. League. In an Interview on the future of the TSV 1860 München’s managing Director, Michael Scharold has taken a clear position, and the League brought into the conversation.

Munich – 9th place in the 3. League for a newly promoted team is a quite respectable result after a little more than half of the games. However, the TSV 1860 Munich is not a club that is content. In the environment of Munich’s lions, have already become before the season, some voices have called for the March.

The Association is, however, a policy of small steps and return in the 2. League as a medium-term target output. All coach Daniel Bierofka in front of lives this new strategy. The 1860-Coach but still, unconditional will to win to broadcast.

1860-managing Director Scharold: “The goal must always be the League to be”

has Now voiced by Michael Scharold to the objectives of the Association. The managing Director of the lions spoke quite openly about the claims of the clubs. “With the possibilities that, in 1860, by the large following and the centre of Munich, the lions still certainly in the Top 15 for addresses of German football”, the so-Scharold against the image. This allows for him to only one conclusion. “The aim must therefore always be the Bundesliga.”

However, don’t go on a moment’s notice, but would work only by hard and honest work. Also to the much-discussed stadium question Scharold moved into position. “We need a modern stadium, which is out of the question.” The city commissioned a feasibility study, you know in a couple of months, what is on location at the grünwalder Straße. Out of his desire Scharold, however, makes no secret of the fact.

hope for the lions fans: Scharolds plea for the grünwalder stadium

+ How long the lions fans may still cheer in the grünwalder stadium?©dpa / Tobias Hase

He was convinced that “25,000 spectators in the Grünwalder are better than 30,000 somewhere on a green Meadow.” An opinion that will be pleased many Fans of the Munich lions. Light-of-hearing, the followers of the TSV 1860 are likely to be used in the following sentence. “Financing it will not fail,” said Scharold in the Interview, “because with a reasonable stadium money can be earned.”

Also any other Institution of the Association wants to get Scharold urgently and brought up to scratch. The Junior centre of excellence of the Association has always “been at the heart of the Association”. “In 1860, stands for good youth work.” However, costs for the NLZ in the 3 be. League in Relation to the opportunities for professionals from a cost-Benefit point of view. What does this mean for youth work by the lions?

work “high-intensity solutions,” such as the NLZ can be kept at the highest level possible, without the Budget of the professionals to the very limit. “A joy to me that we can see now many of the talents that we have in the next few years good to the face”, so Scharold.

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Scharold about Ismaik – and Reisinger’s Vision

Also, for the duration of the topic Ismaik Scharold has been asked and answered. “The Considerations, if at some point 50+1 falls and the Association is not a shareholder or, eventually, Hasan Ismaik, its shares could sell, it is allowed to have on my work, no impact,” said the managing Director. “Therefore, I do not concern myself with it.”

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President Robert Reisinger expressed a desire for the medium-term future of the youth of the TSV 1860 Munich. “All the Junior teams play in the highest division of their age group.” And the professionals? Then the Best “in the 2. Bundesliga will be returned“. A Vision that would see most of the lions fans reacted.

vote: Scharold talks about the future of the lions: when return of the TSV 1860 in the German Bundesliga?
