Emiliano Sala is crashed on the way to his new club Cardiff City with an airplane, probably over the English channel. He seemed to sense the disaster.

search for the plane resumed – Live Sala?

Update from 23. January: The police of the British island of Guernsey has announced that they have resumed the search for Emiliano Sala on Wednesday morning. Two aircraft are searching in the areas where the largest probability to find something. Based on the studies of the currents and the weather, since then, Sala is missing.

“I’m scared”: Emiliano Sala wrote dramatic Whatsapp before the Disappearance of the machine

Update from 23. January, 6.09 PM: of The footballer Emiliano Sala has sent before his Disappearance, apparently, a message in which he announced the possible tragedy. “I’m in the airplane that looks as if it will fall apart, and leave for Cardiff. If you have one and a half hours of no news from me, I don’t know if sending someone to search for me, because you won’t find me. I’m so scared,“ wrote Sala, according to media reports, before the flight via Whatsapp to friends.

people in Nantes, the city of his Ex-club, gathered together and prayed for the players.

+ In Nantes some of the share increased by they laid down flowers. ©AFP / LOIC VENANCE

In the machine was the single-engine small aircraft of the type Piper PA-46 Malibu. Country men, such as the legend Diego Armando Maradona in the hope that the plane has just driven to the wrong airport, and he still lives.

+ Piper PA-46 Malibu – In a machine similar to this, rose Sala. (Archive image). ©picture-alliance/ dpa/dpaweb / Norbert Försterling

Emiliano Sala misses: aircraft with professional football on Board nowhere to be found

Nantes – A small plane with the Argentine professional football, Emiliano Sala on Board, disappeared on Monday evening on the flight from Nantes to Cardiff, around 20 kilometres North of the channel island of Guernsey. This is the local police announced Tuesday. It is believed that the machine in the channel is brought down. The water temperature is currently only about ten degrees.

A multi-hour search operation in the night was canceled due to strong winds, high seas and poor visibility are unsuccessful, on Tuesday morning, but with helicopters of the British and French coast guard resumed. On Board of the missing machine should have two people been found.

it was also canceled on Tuesday evening, the search operation for the missing plane. It is planned to firm on Wednesday, a new start – up, the investigators made, however, little hope for a rescue of the Missing. “Some floating objects have been spotted in the water. We could not say, however, whether they come from the missing aircraft. We have also found no signs of people on Board,“ informed the police on Tuesday evening. “If you have landed on the water, the chances of Survival, unfortunately, bad.”

Emiliano Sala: 17-million-Euro transfer fee for the striker

A multi-hour search operation in the night to Tuesday was cancelled due to strong winds, high seas and poor visibility, inconclusive. On Tuesday morning, the search with helicopters of the British and French coast was taken up guard again, in an area of more than 1000 square scoured miles.

The Pilot had asked, according to police, at the flight control on the neighboring island of Jersey, the flight altitude decrease. Thereafter, the contact with the Tower broke off. That Emiliano Sala was in the machine, confirmed the French authorities. The prospects of Survival of the three occupants are extremely low, the temperature of the water in the channel is currently only around ten degrees.

The 28-year-old striker Sala had met last Saturday, his move from the French first division club FC Nantes, he is playing in 19 League twelve times, to Cardiff City in the English Premier League perfectly. The Welsh are supposed to have paid a club-record transfer fee of around 17 million euros.

Cup game of the Ex-Association of Emiliano Sala

“This is something Special for me”, had Sala, but after the signing of the contract about three and a half years. Cardiff is currently only in the table 18. “We are very concerned with Emiliano Sala,” said Cardiff City, “before we can say more, we need to have a confirmation.”

From “respect” to Emiliano Sala of FC Nantes announced to move for Wednesday’s scheduled Cup game against third division Entente SSG. On the Twitter page of the French club, the profile picture is now a photo of the gone players.

Cardiff City said: “We were very shocked when we had heard that the machine had been lost. We had expected Emiliano last night, and today is his first day should be with the Team. The first decision was that Training to cancel today, and to be in the thought at Emiliano and the pilot. We continue to pray for positive news,“ wrote Cardiff City in a message.

The crash occurred just three months after the accident, to Leicester City, the club boss Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha. The Thai billionaire was at the 28. October 2018, after the game his club from the square, with his helicopter started and behind the stadium crashed. Srivaddhanaprabha and four other occupants were killed. The misfortunes of football fans shook the world.