“refugee guarantors” have helped asylum seekers to come legally to Germany. What financial commitment would come to him, not mind but everyone.

Berlin – the Federal government and the Länder want to grab “refugee guarantor” financially under the arms, which were informed by the authorities is wrong. He was glad that there is now a solution, said Federal Minister for labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) in Berlin on Thursday. The aid will fail with a “low two-digit million amount”.

“can’t It be that the people who have helped others, and were advised by the authorities – from the state – wrong, now stay on the follow sit,” said Heil.

the Federal government and the main affected countries of lower Saxony, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia should take on the financial demands of the employment Agency to the Guarantor, in each case half, the lower Saxony Ministry of the interior.

Nationwide receivables of 21 million euros

The Federal employment Agency has registered, according to information from the end of the year 2018, a total of 2500, decisions to Vouch for the cash asked. As a response to the Federal government on a question of the AfD’s Deputy René Springer in November, it emerged, were the claims on a nationwide basis, approximately 21 million euros. Were paid according to the work of the Ministry until then, approximately 670 000 euros.

NRW-integration Ministers, Joachim Stamp (FDP) had said in the ARD morning magazine, a solution is in sight. With views of false information to the authorities to Vouch he said: “it is now our responsibility to bring anyone here in existential distress, the fact that he has to pay it.”

What is a guarantor “Refugee”?

“refugee guarantor” are people who have committed themselves to the foreigners ‘ authority to assume the cost of living for a refugee. These declarations of commitment had helped in the years 2015 and 2016, Thousands of to obtain a visa and to travel legally to Germany. The exact number of “refugee guarantor” is not publicly known.

What is the “refugee guarantor” don’t have to pay, what?

From the financial aid could “benefit refugee guarantor”, which issued prior to August 2016, a Declaration of commitment and at the time of the foreigners authorities are wrong about the extent of their liability were informed, as it was called, in addition, in the Ministry. Later, the relevant regulations had been written law. The competent job centres in the Federal States should consider the claims on the Surety for reimbursement of the Hartz-IV-services are now back.
