At the new year reception of the city in the Chur Prince hall campaigned WHETHER Erich Raff for a tangible interaction in the policy – in Large as in Small. A small tip on the event forum, he could not help but. Because the city hall was otherwise awarded, had the reception in the Chur hall of the police University of applied Sciences, the Prince will be laid.

Fürstenfeldbruck – More to talk to each other: the Only way you could solve, ultimately, conflicts or at least to compromise. “Compromise is not a weakness, but it is a skill and a strength of democracy” – quoted by Raff a message from the Christmas speech of the Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

The debate and culture of debate have changed, which would also be transferred to the citizens, which took out their frustrations on the big politics to the town halls and citizens ‘ consultation hours. It is the role models were the great policy and the parliaments of the länder, which in the case of the citizens to political apathy.

side swipe in the direction of the field

The local policy have the luck to be very close to the people, so that there is still the opportunity for dialogue. “We are, in part, on rocky and bumpy paths in Dialog with each other, and have always managed to pave together for the city and its citizens, these paths,” said Raff. Nevertheless, these decisions are often seen as undemocratic.

Not as undemocratic, but as a criticism of the town hall-chief considered a decision in the event forum. Traditionally, the new year’s reception taking place in the town hall. But it was awarded to another event, so the city had to move with their reception in the Chur room of the police-Prince-University of applied Sciences. “The police – your friend and helper,” said Raff. His thanks was addressed to the head of the institution, Ingbert Hoffmann. “Tradition is not synonymous with a fixed termination,” said Raff the move – a jab in the direction of the event forum.

At the new venue the Lord mayor also reminded of the old challenges, the employ of the city. Without compromise, you will not get along. Here, Raff drew the bow of the development of the cattle market place over the urban design competition on the site, to the conversion of the flyer’s nest, as well as the search for a site for an ice rink and the construction of the sports centre III.

the abolition of Strabs is fatal for SRW

The town hall-chief had brought his guests a couple of Numbers. Thus, the city had grown by approximately 350 citizens. Overall, people from 131 Nations live in Furstenfeldbruck. Not unimportant for the economy: The Work of nearly 1000 people come to Bruck less than the city of professional day leave. 2015’ve looked quite different.

this is Also why the settlement of trades remain operated, as before, a great challenge. Pleasing is the number of 3.3 per cent, unemployment is the tantamount to full employment. Skilled workers were, however, scarce. Due to the availability of childcare and schools, the circle city is attractive for young families. Starting in September, the city has Cribs more than 235 new children and kindergarten places.

fatal called Raff the abolition of the road construction contributions. With the 135 000 euros, get the city, only a lump-sum, one could have only a patchwork solution. Alone the urgent rehabilitation and Expansion of the Richard-Higgins-Straße and the Sulzbogens cost 4.8 million euros. Here, Raff would have liked to see at least a temporary solution.


are Traditionally honored at the new year’s reception of those citizens who have rendered outstanding service to the common good of the city deserves. Staff Sergeant Michael Fischer, corporal Florian Kessler and Bernd Fasching from the officer school of the air force were honored for their over two decades of use at the annual pea soup for sale at the Christmas market.

of The proceeds will be donated to charitable institutions in the city. Helmuth Stolle was honored for his tireless efforts over many years at the community Foundation for the County. Franz licking Walter has been active for 15 years for the warriors and soldiers camaraderie, Detlef Kurp was three terms of office in the senior citizens ‘ Advisory Board of the city. In the process, he promoted projects such as the Seniors movies, senior computer meeting as well as the barrier-free Expansion station Buchenau.

For over 30 years, Helga Müller is active in the parish of St. Magdalene as a parish Council, designed a children’s worship services and cared for communion groups. Günter Mayr founded 42 years ago the choir of the friends of music Grafrath, from which the Philharmonic choir box, Prince went.

For his operas, and carnival concerts, he was honored with the district medal of the district of upper Bavaria for the field of culture. Michael Münch Fürstenfeldbruck received for 40-year-old membership of the fire Department honor ribbon in Gold of the Vice-Chairman of the County Council Martina Drechsler presented, Stefan Götz, the national badge of honour in Gold for 40 years of membership in the CRPD. For your commitment to volunteering in the children’s local Chapter of the Federal nature conservation Holde Tietze Härtl was excellent.

Dominik Pauli, saved on Pasinger station, a man who had fallen onto the tracks, before the S-Bahn imports and of the Prime Minister Söder has already received a state award, received as an award from the mayor of Raff.

Old-WHETHER Sepp Kellerer for his tireless commitment to the protection of monuments, as well as the farm Museum Jexhof and the event forum Fürstenfeld with the conservation medal. The former sports President of TSV FFB West, Günter Eichinger, who received in December, the medal of honour of the Bavarian Minister-President for services as a volunteer, was honored for his two decades of continuous commitment to volunteering in the Association.