package delivery time is different: Because of a Hermes Courier and it was filmed, as he hurled a delivery on a balcony, he is now wanted by his employer.

Update from 27. January 2019: A Hermes Courier has been filmed, as he has in a most unusual way, a packet In the Video is to see how the messenger is throwing the delivery with a bold throw on a balcony. Or it tries, because the first Attempts fail. The package POPs against the Balustrade, then it lands on the sidewalk. The third attempt ends successfully: delivery. The Video was made available on the network and makes since then for excitement. The one at Hermes, which are now offered on the search of the package:

+ ©Screenshot twitter

For other Twitter users to react in amusement:

But also understand the package offered.

New complaint record: the reason Why the customers are pissed at the Post and co.

The News of 21. January 2019: Bonn – Late packages, wrong delivered letters or long waiting times at the Desk – more and more citizens are making their Anger over Deutsche Post and its competitors air. The number of complaints to the Federal network Agency had doubled this year on 11.830 almost, told the Bonn-based regulator on Friday. In 2017, there were still 6100, 2016, only around 3900.

The critique mainly targets the market leader Deutsche Post DHL, but also to competitors such as the parcel service provider Hermes or DPD. The Federal network Agency emphasised, as measured by the total volume, there were still relatively few complaints. While there is not a nationwide Problem, but is regional and temporary deficits. Previously, the Rheinische Post had reported about it.

never have complained so many consumers with the Federal network Agency as this year. “This shows that the Federal network Agency is perceived as a point of contact for consumer questions,” said authorities chief Jochen Homann. And it is also a reason for the increase: Now more citizens are aware of the possibility of appeal. Previously has not reported some already on the wrong course Post was vexed, but.

half of the complaints relates to letters, but also long queues on the nerves of the customers

half of The complaints refers to letters, one-third on packages. The Rest is about long queues in post offices or unsuitable opening Hours. In the parcel business, Deutsche Post DHL, about 44 percent of the total market in Germany has to be omitted, and the remaining shares in rivals such as Hermes, DPD and GLS. The market share corresponds approximately to the share of the complaints.

also read: Post thickness problems for letters and packages

consumer can submit to the Federal network Agency, mediation requests – if, for example, a product arrived in package broken. The authority acts as the Arbitrator between the consumer and the postal service. The number of such applications increased only slightly, to 74 at 1075. Too rosy, the prospects of success of such applications, are not, because many companies refuse the arbitration.

mail users Association little surprised: “The quality has not deteriorated,”

The mail users Association DVPT (German Association for Post, information technology and telecommunications) is surprised by the significant increase in. “The quality has deteriorated and the reliability of shipments decreased,” said Board member Klaus Gettwart. In an international comparison, the Post included, and parcel services in Germany, one of the best, the tendency to show but down.

So there is now less letter boxes with always the earlier flushes, and reduced opening Hours of branches. In the package field of competition has risen and the pressure of time, whereby the performance got worse – again packages landed, not where they are supposed to be. Gettwart complained that Deutsche Post monitors the speed of your letters yourself, instead of leaving it to independent third parties. In March, the DVPT wants to make an independent run-time measurement of business letters to determine the speed and security of shipments.

package services focus on: “Would be paid to the deliverer better”… – Even the unions are upset

The trade Union Verdi bad work part conditions as a reason for the increase in complaints. Package services such as Hermes, DPD and GLS work together with subcontractors, which are not bound, according to Verdi tariff. “Would be paid to the deliverer better and have a lower time pressure, would improve the quality of the service,” said the trade unionist Sigrun smoke. Recently, there had been also complaints of questionable practices in awarding long-term contracts at the Post office.

Also interesting: “The only shit here is your Whining!” – Social Media-employees of DHL’s snaps on Twitter

A spokesman for the Deutsche Post DHL said, you take the complaints seriously. He also pointed out that the proportion of the total volume is still very low – in 2017, we’ve delivered some 20 billion packages and letters. It could also lead to problems – for example, due to short-term illnesses, Weather disruptions, or human error. The workers were but a “predominantly excellent work”.

A Hermes spokesman said, while there is also in his house more complaints. But the package volume was still increased clearly. The proportion of complaints so remained very low. DPD announced the recipients of the packages were generally very satisfied.

package, boom stops. In spite of Anger via DHL, Hermes and co.

meanwhile, the company reported a continuation of the package, boom – the number of Online orders is increasing, especially as customers have because of the good economy, more money in your pocket.

last Tuesday, I accepted the Deutsche Post DHL almost 11 million shipments – as many as never before in one day. In the Christmas season of 2017, the day had been lying-to-peak value at 10.5 million. The company expects that the package market is growing annually by 2020, about 5 to 7 percent. In the first nine months of 2018 had been abandoned at Deutsche Post DHL 1,047 billion packages, an increase of 8.4 percent.

The competitors Hermes and GLS announced no Germany-Figures, but also confirmed a strong growth. When competitors DPD is the Amount of increase was in the total year 2018 2% 2019 3% are expected.

Recently, Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier victims of deficiencies in the parcel delivery was even a DHL package did not come with him. The reason caused a shake of the head.

also read: DHL courier grants to Transporter then what does he do, makes customers angry.

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