It’s a rare fact: in the Male Artist of the Year category, two singers were rewarded after a perfect tie.

This may seem improbable and yet it happened during this 39th Victoires de la Musique ceremony, which was held this Friday, February 9. Live from the Seine Musicale in Boulogne Billancourt, the evening presented by Léa Salamé and Cyril Féraud continues its course when the time comes to announce the winner of one of the main categories of the evening, that of Male Artist of the year.

Four artists competed to win this precious trophy: Etienne Daho, Gazo, Vianney and Pierre de Maere. But as Léa Salamé opens the envelope which contains the name of the winner of the Victoire de la Musique for Artist of the Year, surprise! The host of France 2 announces… two winners and a perfect tie. An extremely rare event, but it can happen.

To explain it, you just need to look behind the scenes at the Victoires de la Musique. If the Original Song of the Year category is subject to public votes, the rest of the winners in each category are determined by the Académie des Victoires. This is made up of 882 people, all professionals in the field, including performing arts actors, music presenters and artists. An even number and therefore, a rare but possible tie.