President Ilse Aigner (CSU) leads to a Parliament with six groups, including AfD. Where’s the problem in the Parliament? How much you can get away with this? An Interview.

A first interim balance sheet, the 54-year-old upper Bavarian is in the mercury Interview:

we have survived The first 100 days since the election. What grade will you give your home?

Ilse Aigner: The Parliament office has worked hard. Many new members of Parliament, six political groups, the need for space – that was an incredible logistical effort. In Parallel, the plans for alterations in the Maximilianeum, a new visitor center and new event formats, with which I open the Parliament further wants to run.

In the plenary, it was rather slow. If you have decided to date only an important law?

There are several law have now been to the Christmas designs are introduced. I think we have swiftly started: The coalition has quickly negotiated, the Prime Minister has early been elected. You can compare the happy times with the Federal level.

The AfD is testing how far you can go with provocations. How much do you let that go?

Here to keep everyone to the rules of the house, so far, in the regular meetings was not the case. At the memorial service, there was this humiliating scandal, as a large part of the group in the room left. It is when Survivors of the Nazi-speak terror. Even if you get hard tackled. Democratically legitimized representatives of the people should pay tribute to the last Holocaust-era witnesses with respect.

Not all AfD members through a comb

the, without exception, Democrats Are?

The is, after and after. Individual had or have problems with the protection of the Constitution. Nevertheless, you can’t shear sure all AfD members over a comb.

the climate Has changed in the Parliament?

The Tone in some of the debates became sharper.

The many of the new men with very short hair, greetings in the hallway?

Yes, they do.

The diet want to give a new rules, that members are required to present staff certificates. Where are these rules?

It’s about the fundamental question of who is checked in this house, who will receive permanent ID cards. I have asked Vice-President Alexander Hold, to develop a proposal for the rules of the house. This is a matter of urgency.

On Wednesday has for the first time since lost people with the CSU to commemorate a vote. To many of the members were outside. There are now national politics of a chance majority?

no, this should have been an exception. You have to pay attention to the discipline. And we will do thoughts, in order to prevent in future meetings parallel to the plenary.

Prime Minister Söder is a lot there, though usually with his phone busy. A Role Model?

The cell phone a lot – I think on the press tribune. Meanwhile, it is unfortunately, the everyday life that a lot of communication must run in parallel. It is definitely a good sign of respect in front of the Parliament, that Markus Söder is a lot in the plenary session present.

Aigner on Söder: “I trust him, he is trying”

A question to the CSU-politician Aigner: Söder promises a new style, more Team. You believe it?

first of all, I am pleased that this knowledge is there. Secondly, I can always find again, as Markus Söder defined in new tasks. As Secretary General he has become, as environment Minister, he was softer, as Minister of Finance-edged. He knows that he now has to take a connecting role. I wouldn’t put it past him, he tries very hard.

“Always eager” is sought in the working certificate is not a compliment…

I didn’t mean it. We should appreciate when someone works hard on.

Who is number one in the free state?

in fact, the Prime Minister. Whether I’m standing now in just about it is irrelevant. I bring me there, where I think it is necessary.

‘t suggest that you are still at the end of your career. To inherit, maybe it is time Söder. You are a state President in waiting position?

(laughs) no, I don’t go sneak up behind! I wanted to office of this. At the age of 54, the distance is to stand up to the rest but still quite long. You never know what happens. To me in my life, always new challenges, which I had previously not expected. Seen in this way is not to think of a final point.

see also: CSU party conference: Current survey, a majority does not believe in recovery through Söder
And: Ilse Aigner: that’s Why women are inspire of heavy involvement in the policy